My SublimeText settings and my attempt not lose them + provide portability
These go in: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/User
- Install Sublime Text (2)
- Delete the User folder in the above location
- git clone User
- Load sublime back up and it freaks out. Close and reload until it stops
I have no idea why #4 above is the case, but eventually it does work after a minute or so, which means I haven't had enough of a problem with it it look into it further ;)
I'll add links to these once I feel like not being lazy
- Additional PHP Snippets
- Alignment
- All Autocomplete
- Auto Semi-Colon
- Bracketeer
- Clipboard History
- Color Highlighter
- Color Schemes by carlcalderon
- DocBlockr
- Emmet
- Gist
- Git
- Goto Documentation
- jQuery
- jQuery Snippets pack
- Markdown Preview
- Package Control
- Phix Color Scheme
- PHPUnit
- Placeholders
- Schemr
- SideBarEnhancements
- Solarized Color Scheme
- SublimeCodeIntel
- "SublimeLinter
- Tag
- Theme - Soda
- Tomorrow Color Scheme
- Xdebug