dns-gen sets up a container running Dnsmasq and docker-gen. docker-gen generates a configuration for Dnsmasq and reloads it when containers are started and stopped.
By default it will provide thoses domain:
easy install:
sudo sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jderusse/docker-dns-gen/master/bin/install)"
The container dns-gen
expose a standard dnsmasq service. It returns ip of
known container and fallback to host's resolv.conf for other domains.
In order to ease the configuration of your host. We recommand to install
apt install resolvconf
The container have to listen on port 53
on docker0
interface. You should
assert that nothing else is listening to that port.
sudo netstat -ntlp --udp|grep ":53 "
If some service are listening to the same port, you should changes your
setting to exclude the docker0
For instance, in dnsmasq use :
Why mounting the entier host in the container (-v /:/host
The dnsmasq embeded inside the container is configured to fallback to the
default resolv.conf
. But, given the host is configured to use the container
to resolve DNS, and to avoid infinite loop, the container uses the hosts's
without it own IP.
Mounting the -v /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf
file is not possible as
this file is often overriden by the host (changing network, connecting to
wifi, connecting to a VPN) and docker wouldn't update the mounted file. And,
in most of the cases, this file is a symlink to another location, and the the
target should be accessible by the container too.
For instances, when using resolvconf on Debian 9:
/etc/resolv.conf -> /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf
/etc/resolvconf/run -> /run/resolvconf
Why not using the container's /etc/resolv.conf
First of all, because the user could have configured the /etc/docker/daemon.json
to use a specific name server
inside the container, whereas we are trying to
configure the host's DNS resolution.
Moreover, from my tests, the file is not updated when the host changes it name servers
Why using the host network
Some distributions (like ubuntu) use a local dnsmasq instance to resolv DNS
This instance, runing on the host local network, should be accessible by the
container. Using the host
network is the easiest way to be as close as
possible to the host.
If you already install and configured a previous version of dns-gen you should uninstall it.
- uninstall dnsmasq
- remove previous container
docker rm -fv dns-gen
- remove custom configuration in
- remove /etc/NetworkManager/dnsmasq.d/01_docker
- restart the service NetworkManager (and in some case the machine)
Just run the all in one
script ./bin/install
If you want to deep inside, here are the manuall steps to permform the same
First, you have to know the IP of your docker0
interface. It may be
but it could be something else. To known your IP, run the
following command:
GATEWAY=$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}')
echo ${GATEWAY}
Now, you can start the dns-gen
docker run -d --name dns-gen \
--restart always \
--net host \
--log-opt "max-size=10m" \
--volume /:/host \
--volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
You can test the container
docker run --name test nginx:alpine
dig test.docker @${GATEWAY}
Once OK, you can finally update your local resolver
echo "nameserver ${GATEWAY}" | sudo tee --append /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
resolvconf -u
beware! When your host will restart, it may change the IP address of
the docker0
interface. You may have to run the command bin/install
to fix
your configuration.
Or you can force docker to always use the same IP by editing the
file and adding:
"bip": ""
One more thing When you start your host, the docker service is not fully loaded. Until this daemon is loaded, the dns container will not be automatically started and you will notice bad performance when your host will try to resolve DNS. The service is not fully loaded, because it uses a feature of systemd called socket activation: The first access to the docker socket will trigger the start of the true service. To skip this feature, you simply have to activate the docker service.
sudo update-rc.d docker enable
To see the list of register DNS, dump the content of the generated
docker exec dns-gen cat /etc/dnsmasq.conf
On restart, if you loose the dns resolution, check the NetworkManager
service status.
service NetworkManager status
Check the syntax of the /etc/resolv.conf
file which should contain at the
begging the IP of the docker0
Check the containers logs
docker logs --tail 100 -f dns-gen