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Video optimizer for iOS and Android apps made with Codename One

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Update 1: Pay attention to copy the video file taken from the Gallery to the app home path in the FileSystemStorage at least on iOS, read here: #3

Update 2: Pay attention to the file extension: on iOS the video file must have a proper extension, it's a requirement of iOS. On Android the video file can be with or without extension.

Update 3: If you have the build hint android.buildToolsVersion=28 or android.buildToolsVersion=29, please remove it, as discussed here: #5

CN1Libs - VideoOptimizer

Video optimizer for Android and iOS Codename One apps, for fast upload. It allows to get info about a video, get a preview image of a video and optimize a video for fast upload (currently it uses default compression values both on Android and on iOS according to the best trade-off of "quality / file length / time to compress" that I found.



The main class to be used is:


Follow the standard way to install a CN1Lib from the Extension Manager:

Build hint added automatically and compatibility with other CN1Libs

Take note that this CN1Lib adds automatically the build hints:


This can affect the compatibility with your project or with other CN1Libs

Compatibility with devices

The devices supported are:

  • Android 7+ with ARM64 CPU (other CPUs are not supported to keep this CN1Lib as small as possible).
  • iOS 12+ (I didn't test previous versions, I don't know if they are supported).

Note about app size on Android

This CN1Lib increases your APKs of 11MB because it includes a custom version of Mobile FFmpeg compiled by me. Note that a full version of Mobile FFmpeg requires about 80MB and a minimal version requires about 30MB, so my custom version is a lot smaller. I reduced the CPU support only to ARMv7 and ARM64 and I reduced the number of supported codecs to a minimal set. On iOS, there is no impact on app size, because I used the native APIs without any external library.

Supported input and output video formats

On iOS, the input video formats supported are the one supported by AVAssetExportSession, however I didn't find a list of the supported formats: if you find any info, I'll add a link here. The optimized output video is encoded using the option AVFileTypeMPEG4, however the Apple's doc doesn't specify which MPEG4 encoder is used.

On Android, I compiled Mobile FFmpeg so: ./ --disable-x86 --disable-x86-64, that means I didn't include any external library. The supported formats are the ones supported by libavcodec: Note that h.264 is only decoded, but the encoding of the optimized video is done using MPEG-4 Part 2, that doesn't need any external library (x264 encoder is not an option, because its license doesn't allow its use in a closed source project, and CISCO openh264 is not an option because it's too much slow on encoding, accoring to my tests, and it requires to pay MPEG LA licensing fees).

Output video dimension (width and height)

The optimized video dimension is close to a 360p video, however the exact size depends on the input video size. On Android it's used an integer scale factor and on iOS the documentation of the used AVAssetExportPresetMediumQuality is too much generic and it doesn't say anything about the output file dimension.


On iOS, the optimization is very fast.

On Android, it's slow and it can take longer time than the video duration. However I chose options that allow to save as fast as possible preserving an acceptable video quality.

Example of usage

Example of usage

Create a new project and add the build hints:

ios.NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription=Some functionality of the application requires access to your media gallery
ios.NSAppleMusicUsageDescription=Some functionality of the application requires access to your media library

In the main class, add the following code:

    private String originalFile = null;
    private String optimizedFile = null;

    public void start() {
        if (current != null) {
        Form hi = new Form("Video optimizer test", BoxLayout.y());
        VideoOptimizer videoOptimizer = new VideoOptimizer();

        Button previewBtn = new Button("GET PREVIEW");
        Button durationBtn = new Button("GET DURATION");
        Button bitrateBtn = new Button("GET BITRATE");
        Button sizeBtn = new Button("GET SIZE");
        Button optimizeBtn = new Button("OPTIMIZE VIDEO");
        Button playOriginalBtn = new Button("PLAY ORIGINAL");
        Button playOptimizedBtn = new Button("PLAY OPTIMIZED");

        SpanLabel infoLabel = new SpanLabel(" ");
        Label previewLabel = new Label("") {
            public Dimension calcPreferredSize() {
                Dimension dim = super.calcPreferredSize();
                dim.setHeight(CN.convertToPixels(50, false));
                return dim;

        hi.addAll(durationBtn, previewBtn, bitrateBtn, sizeBtn, optimizeBtn, playOriginalBtn, playOptimizedBtn, infoLabel, previewLabel);;

        playOriginalBtn.addActionListener(l -> {
            try {
                if (originalFile == null || !FileSystemStorage.getInstance().exists(originalFile)) {
                    ToastBar.showErrorMessage("Original video file not available", 5000);
                } else {
                    Form videoPlayer = new Form("Original video", new BorderLayout(BorderLayout.CENTER_BEHAVIOR_SCALE));
                    Media video = MediaManager.createMedia(originalFile, true);
                    videoPlayer.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, new MediaPlayer(video));
                    videoPlayer.getToolbar().setBackCommand("Back", Toolbar.BackCommandPolicy.ALWAYS, e -> {
                    videoPlayer.addShowListener(ll -> {
            } catch (IOException ex) {

        playOptimizedBtn.addActionListener(l -> {
            try {
                if (optimizedFile == null || !FileSystemStorage.getInstance().exists(optimizedFile)) {
                    ToastBar.showErrorMessage("Optimized video file not available", 5000);
                } else {
                    Form videoPlayer = new Form("Optimized video", new BorderLayout(BorderLayout.CENTER_BEHAVIOR_SCALE));
                    Media video = MediaManager.createMedia(optimizedFile, true);
                    videoPlayer.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, new MediaPlayer(video));
                    videoPlayer.getToolbar().setBackCommand("Back", Toolbar.BackCommandPolicy.ALWAYS, e -> {
                    videoPlayer.addShowListener(ll -> {
            } catch (IOException ex) {

        durationBtn.addActionListener(l -> {
            CN.openGallery(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
                    if (ev != null && ev.getSource() != null) {
                        originalFile = (String) ev.getSource();
                        long duration = videoOptimizer.getVideoDuration(originalFile);
                        long h = duration / 3600;
                        long m = (duration - h * 3600) / 60;
                        long s = duration - (h * 3600 + m * 60);
                        infoLabel.setText("Duration: " + h + "h, " + m + "m, " + s + "s");
            }, CN.GALLERY_VIDEO);

        bitrateBtn.addActionListener(l -> {
            CN.openGallery(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
                    if (ev != null && ev.getSource() != null) {
                        originalFile = (String) ev.getSource();
                        int bitrate = videoOptimizer.getVideoBitrate(originalFile);
                        infoLabel.setText("Bitrate: " + bitrate + " bit/s (" + (bitrate / 8 / 1024) + " KiB/s)");
            }, CN.GALLERY_VIDEO);

        optimizeBtn.addActionListener(l -> {
            CN.openGallery(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
                    if (ev != null && ev.getSource() != null) {
                        originalFile = (String) ev.getSource();
                        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        OnComplete onCompleteCallback = (output) -> {
                            optimizedFile = (String) output;
                            float originalLength = Math.round(FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getLength(originalFile) * 10 / (1024 * 1024)) / 10f;
                            float optimizedLength = Math.round(FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getLength(optimizedFile) * 10 / (1024 * 1024)) / 10f;
                            int originalBitrate = videoOptimizer.getVideoBitrate(originalFile);
                            int optimizedBitrate = videoOptimizer.getVideoBitrate(optimizedFile);
                            Dimension originalSize = videoOptimizer.getVideoSize(originalFile);
                            Dimension optimizedSize = videoOptimizer.getVideoSize(optimizedFile);
                            infoLabel.setText("Original: " + originalLength + "MiB, optimized: " + optimizedLength + "MiB" + "\n"
                                    + "Original: " + (originalBitrate / 8 / 1024) + "KiB/s, optimized: " + (optimizedBitrate / 8 / 1024) + "KiB/s" + "\n"
                                    + "Original: " + originalSize.getWidth() + "x" + originalSize.getHeight() + ", optimized: " + optimizedSize.getWidth() + "x" + optimizedSize.getHeight() + "\n"
                                    + "Video duration: " + videoOptimizer.getVideoDuration(originalFile) + " s, execution: " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) / 1000) + " s"
                        Runnable onFailureCallback = () -> {
                            infoLabel.setText("Optimizing failure, see logs.");
                        OnProgress onProgressCallback = (percentage) -> {
                            infoLabel.setText("Optimizing, please wait... " + percentage + "%");
                        videoOptimizer.optimizeVideoForUpload(originalFile, onCompleteCallback, onFailureCallback, onProgressCallback);
                        infoLabel.setText("Optimizing, please wait...");


            }, CN.GALLERY_VIDEO);

        sizeBtn.addActionListener(l -> {
            CN.openGallery(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
                    if (ev != null && ev.getSource() != null) {
                        originalFile = (String) ev.getSource();
                        Dimension videoSize = videoOptimizer.getVideoSize(originalFile);
                        infoLabel.setText("Video size: " + videoSize.getWidth() + "x" + videoSize.getHeight());
            }, CN.GALLERY_VIDEO);

        previewBtn.addActionListener(l -> {
            CN.openGallery(new ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
                    if (ev != null && ev.getSource() != null) {
                        try {
                            originalFile = (String) ev.getSource();
                            String jpegFile = videoOptimizer.getVideoPreview(originalFile);
                            EncodedImage encodedImg = EncodedImage.create(FileSystemStorage.getInstance().openInputStream(jpegFile));
                        } catch (IOException ex) {
            }, CN.GALLERY_VIDEO);

Tip: check if a given file is a supported video

    private static VideoOptimizer videoOptimizer = new VideoOptimizer();

     * Very fast method to detect if the given file is a supported video
     * (it relies on VideoOptimizer CN1Lib)
     * @param file placed in FileSystemStorage
     * @return
    public static boolean isVideo(String file) {
        if (videoOptimizer.getVideoDuration(file) > 0) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;


The software that I wrote to create this CN1Lib is public-domain software, except for the mobile-ffmpeg.aar file included in the Android native folder. mobile-ffmpeg.aar is a custom version of Mobile FFmpeg compiled by me, licensed under the LGPL v3.0: that means that you can use this software in any project (open-source or commercial closed-source doesn't matter), but the sources used to compile mobile-ffmpeg.aar should be available to your users. Note that my mobile-ffmpeg.aar doesn't include any GPL software. You can download the sources that I used here: The instruction to compile are here:


Video optimizer for iOS and Android apps made with Codename One






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