This application is an e-commerce site that showcases multiple products that you can potentially buy. You can add items to your shopping cart and once you finish shopping you can checkout, if you have an account created. We process payments securely using the Stripe API. Currently since none of the items are actually real, the Stripe API uses a test key so we can see how the payment page will look like. This application was originally built using the React Context API to manage global state instead of prop passing, but now it uses the Redux library to handle state and dispatch changes.
Once you are on the site, you'll see all the items available for sale and you can click on the buttons to add the item to your cart
If you click on the item picture then you'll be taken to another page where you can see more details about the product
If you create an account and sign in then a button will appear at the bottom of the cart and you'll be able to checkout and pay for your cart
When you're done shopping and you click on the checkout button you'll be redirected to the Stripe payment page where you can securely enter your sensitive credit card information
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