Keboola high level storage backend driver for Big Query
docker compose run --rm dev composer install
Install Google Cloud client (via Brew), initialize it and log in to generate default credentials.
To prepare the backend use Terraform template. Create a sub folder in the KBC Team Dev (id: 431160969986) folder and fill the folder into the terraform command.
- get missing pieces (organization_id and billing_id) from Connection repository.
- (optional) move
out of project directory so new files would be out of git - Run
terraform init
- Run
terraform apply -var folder_id=[folder_id] -var billing_account_id=[billing_id] -var backend_prefix=<your prefix, eg. kbc-js> -var file_storage_backend_region=<desired region>
(e.g. us-central1 region)- Optionally set
file with variables there is predefinedterraform.tfvars.dist
- Optionally set
- New key files was created
- Set envs from the
by runningphp SetBQVars.php
and stop. OR continue with following steps with manual extraction. - open
set content ofprivate_key
as variableBQ_SECRET
and remove (the whole entry) it from json file- note: simply cut&paste it whole even with the quotes and new lines -> your .env will be like
- note: simply cut&paste it whole even with the quotes and new lines -> your .env will be like
- remove line breaks from the rest of key file (without
entry) and set this string as variableBQ_PRINCIPAL
- You can convert the key to string with
awk -v RS= '{$1=$1}1' principal_key.json
- You can convert the key to string with
- remove line breaks from the
key file and set this string as variableBQ_KEY_FILE
- You can convert the key to string with
awk -v RS= '{$1=$1}1' big_query_key.json
- You can convert the key to string with
At the end, your .env
file should look like...
# the id is printed by terraform at the end and it is just the numbers after `folders/`
BQ_PRINCIPAL=<the content of the principal_key.json key file as single line without private_key entry>
BQ_SECRET=<private_key from principal_key.json key file (taken from BQ_PRINCIPAL)>
BQ_FOLDER_ID=<TF output file_storage_bucket_id : the id of the created folder, just the number, without /folders prefix>
BQ_BUCKET_NAME=<TF output file_storage_bucket_id : bucket id created in main project>
# choose different BQ_STACK_PREFIX than you Terraform prefix otherwise project created by Terraform will be deleted . e.g. local :)
BQ_KEY_FILE=<big_query_key.json file owned by main service acc>
All done. Now you can try composer loadGcs
script and run tests.
docker compose run --rm dev composer loadGcs
docker compose build
To run with xdebug use dev-xdebug
container instead of dev
Run tests with following command.
# This will run all tests
docker compose run --rm dev composer tests
# This will run all tests in parallel
docker compose run --rm dev composer paratest
# This will run import tests in parallel
docker compose run --rm dev composer paratest-import
# This will run export tests in parallel
docker compose run --rm dev composer paratest-export
# This will run all tests in parallel excluding import and export
docker compose run --rm dev composer paratest-other
To disable retry copy phpunit-retry.xml.dist
cp phpunit-retry.xml.dist phpunit-retry.xml
#run all bellow but not tests
docker compose run --rm dev composer check
docker compose run --rm dev composer phplint
docker compose run --rm dev composer phpcs
docker compose run --rm dev composer phpcbf
docker compose run --rm dev composer phpstan
This command will run all checks and run tests
docker compose run --rm dev composer ci
Project ID: A globally unique identifier for your project. This lib creating project id as combinations of stackPrefix
and projectId
from CreateProjectCommand
A project ID is a unique string used to differentiate your project from all others in Google Cloud. You can use the Google Cloud console to generate a project ID, or you can choose your own. You can only modify the project ID when you're creating the project.
Project ID requirements:
- Must be 6 to 30 characters in length.
- Can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
- Must start with a letter.
- Cannot end with a hyphen.
- Cannot be in use or previously used; this includes deleted projects.
- Cannot contain restricted strings, such as
MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.