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Terraform AWS CloudTrail Module

This module creates an AWS CloudTrail trail and the necessary AWS resources to support logging and monitoring AWS account activity.


  • AWS CloudTrail creation: This module creates a CloudTrail trail that logs API activity in your AWS account.
  • S3 bucket creation: The module creates an S3 bucket to store the CloudTrail logs.
  • Encryption: Logs stored in the S3 bucket are encrypted using AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS).


module "cloudtrail" {
  source                       = ""
  name                         = "cloudtrail"
  description                  = "Cloudtrail"
  cloudwatch_log_group_name    = "/aws/cloudtrail"
  cloudwatch_retention_in_days = 1
  cloudtrail_iam_role_name     = "CloudWatchRole"
  s3_prefix                    = "cloudtrail"
  tags                         = var.tags


Name Description Type Default Required
tags Configuration for CloudTrail alarms and tags. object Review next section for default value yes
cloudtrail_iam_role_name IAM Role name for CloudTrail Role. string CloudTrail no
cloudwatch_log_group_name Name for the CloudWatch log group that will contain the cloudtrail logs. string /aws/cloudtrail no
cloudwatch_retention_in_days Cloudwatch log group retention specified in days. number 1 no
description Description for the cloud trail group and new policy group. string cloudtrail yes
name Name for the cloudtrail group configuration and new policy group. string cloudtrail no
s3_prefix S3 naming and configuration prefix. string n/a yes
organization Set the is_organization_trail flag on the trail. bool false no

Variable tags

This input variable controls the tags that will be added to all the resources.

  cloudtrail_tags = {
    Application = "cloudtrail"

Default value is shown here


Name Description
cloudtrail_arn The ARN of the CloudTrail trail.
s3_bucket_arn The ARN of the CloudTrail S3 bucket.
cloudwatch_log_group_arn The ARN of the Cloudwatch log group.


  • Terraform 1.4 or newer
  • AWS Provider 4.67 or newer