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Deploying a backend instance from the AWS CloudShell console

Ildar Sagdejev edited this page Oct 30, 2022 · 1 revision

The AWS CloudShell console makes it possible to deploy the backend simply from a web browser logged into an AWS account.

The CloudShell console consists of a remote Amazon Linux 2 environment with tools such as git, aws cli and sam already installed and the AWS credentials are implicitly provided by the environment (run: aws configure list).

In order for sam build to work, you need to install the yarn package manager (due to its role in preparing artifacts for deployment):

npm i -g --prefix ~/.local yarn

Clone the backend repo:

git clone
cd littermap-aws-backend/

Initialize the deployment config:


Download the latest build of the image scaling Lambda function:

wget -P functions/scale-image/build/ <link-to-latest-zip>

Now you can:

sam build
sam deploy -g

Keep in mind that the persistent storage is recycled 120 days after the last session.