provides a readable interface for cryptographic quality random bytes. It also allows for generation of random files, dumping random bytes to files, and a .read()
method for reading bytes.
git clone https://github.com/storj/RandomIO
cd RandomIO
pip install .
Generate a 50 byte file from a seed with one line:
import RandomIO
path = RandomIO.RandomIO('seed string').genfile(50)
with open(path,'rb') as f:
# b"\xec\xf4C\xeb\x1d\rU%\xca\xae\xa4^=*in\x90y\x12\x86\xce\xe5N\xce-\x16
# \xc8r\x83sh\xdfp\xb7\xbb\xc2\x04\x11\xda)\xc1*_\x01\xe5\xd8\x0f}N0"
It is possible to specify the directory to generate the file in, or the file name:
# specify a directory:
path = RandomIO.RandomIO('seed string').genfile(100,'dir/')
# 'dir/22aae6183b5202cd0c74381c673394d2'
# or file name:
path = RandomIO.RandomIO('seed string').genfile(100,'dir/file')
# 'dir/file'
It is possible to read random bytes and dump those bytes to a file object:
import RandomIO
s = RandomIO.RandomIO()
# b'\x8bfT\x9c\x06_)\xa2,\xd0'
# or generate seeded random bytes
s = RandomIO.RandomIO('seed string')
# b'\xec\xf4C\xeb\x1d\rU%\xca\xae'
# dump the bytes into a file object
s = RandomIO.RandomIO('seed string')
with open('path/to/file','wb') as f:
with open('path/to/file','rb') as f:
# b'\xec\xf4C\xeb\x1d\rU%\xca\xae'
> python -m timeit -p -s 'import RandomIO, os' 'path=RandomIO.RandomIO().genfile(100000000);os.remove(path)'
10 loops, best of 3: 1.4 sec per loop
From a simple timeit analysis on a 2.4 GHz PC it can generate files at around 70 MB/s.