Extract info from status page of Arris Surfboard SB6190 cable modem
python3 is part of the macOS developer tools. If it isn't fully installed, run it to bring up a dialog to install the developer tools:
/usr/bin/python3 --version
Or download and install it from https://www.python.org/downloads/mac-osx/, which will put it on /usr/local/bin.
Then install the lxml and requests modules
sudo -H python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install lxml
python3 -m pip install requests
From a terminal window, create a surfboard directory, for example, on $HOME.
mkdir $HOME/surfboard
cd $HOME/surfboard
If the surfboard directory is other than $HOME/surfboard, set SURFDIR environment variable.
export SURFDIR=/somewhere
Create a surfboard password file with only user read/write permission on the surfboard directory.
touch surfboard_password.txt
chmod 0600 surfboard_password.txt
echo "password" > surfboard_password.txt
Clone this git repository. In this example it is placed in the surfboard directory.
git clone https://github.com/maclean/surfboard.git
If the surfboard IP is other than set SURF_IP.
export SURF_IP=
Test surfboard.py. The working directory should be the surfboard directory, in order for the password file to be found. On success, surfboard.py writes the comma-delimited data to stdout.
surfboard/surfboard.py ${SURF_IP:=}
Run launch.sh from the git repository to schedule the python script to run from launchd every 4 hours.
surfboard/launch.sh surfboard
Compressed data will be written to surfboard.dat.gz in the surfboard directory.
Install R from https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/.
Then, from a terminal window, install required packages
R --vanilla
install.packages(c("splusTimeDate","gWidgets2","splusTimeSeries", "quantreg", "maps", "Rcpp", "RUnit"))
Compile surfboard/surf.R in R:
R --vanilla --slave --restore --save -e 'source("surfboard/surf.R")'
Schedule plotsurf to run every night
surfboard/launch.sh plotsurf