The Boost C++ libraries in maven form for producing Nar artefacts for use with the nar-maven-plugin
The libraries are available as separate dependencies as per a typical module layout. This means if required you can depend only upon the boost filesystem module, the necessary transitive depedencies will be automatically available.
Simply execute your deisred maven goal e.g. mvn install
There are two properties specifing compiler and linker in the root pom. This is set to use g++ which is our default on Windows. You can override this on the command line as follows:
mvn install -Dcompiler-name=yourcompiler -Dlinker-name=yourlinker
or you can simply remove the entries in the pom and use the default for your AOL. See the nar documentation for more details.
- iostreams does not use bzip TODO compiler flag or edited the code? We don't want to be changing boost.
- asio does not have the asio/impl/src.cpp
Modules are added as required or via contributions. Currently we have:
- asio
- bind
- circular
- concept
- config
- container
- core
- date-time
- detail
- exception
- filesystem
- function
- function_types
- functional
- fusion
- integer
- io
- iostreams
- iterator
- interprocess
- lexical-cast
- math
- move
- mpl
- numeric
- optional
- phoenix
- predef
- preprocessor
- proto
- range
- regex
- smart-ptr
- spirit
- system
- type-traits
- type_index
- typeof
- utility
- variant