I’m currently Software Engineer at The SilverLogic .
JavaScript | ReactJS | Redux | react-Hooks| Jest | HTML | CSS | Bootstrap| SQL | MongoDB | NodeJS | ExpressJS | Python | Scrum
All projects developed by Mathieu Bouhelier while studying at TrybeThe web development training program from Trybe has a workload of 1500 hours that covers front-end, back-end, computer science, software engineering, agile methodologies, and soft skills.
The main technical stacks studied are JavaScript, HTML, CSS, React, Node, Express.js, MongoDB, SQL, Git, among others languages and frameworks.
Link to Repository
StarWars DataBase Redux, is a project using an API to list planets from a StarWars database and filter them following their characteristics
Tecnology used: React, Redux, Bootstrap
Link to Repository
Link to the App
Recipe, is a group project to build a recipe App using the themealdb API.
The user can navigate to food or drink recipes, shearch, save his favorites recipes. The app aim to be responsive
Tecnology used: React, Redux, Bootstrap, API, Agile methodology
Link to Repository
Link to the App
Shopping Cart, in this project, the user can shearch, navigate and choose products pushed from the Mercadolivre API.
Tecnology used: Javascript, CSS, HTML, API
Link to Repository
Link to the App
Cookmaster V2, This is API project based on REST and MSC pattern. Through this application, it will be possible to perform the basic operations that can be done in a given data base (Mongodb in that case): Creation, Reading, Updating and Deleting. Authentication is done using JWT
Tecnology used: JWT, Nodejs, Express, Mongodb, REST, API
Link to Repository
Trybeer V1, This is a full stack project, API, data base and frontEnd.
To facilitate understanding, we can divide the application into three parts:
- Customer front-end, where our customers go to buy beer;
- Admin front-end, where the establishment will control the orders placed;
- API, which will be shared between client and admin.
Tecnology used: JWT, Nodejs, Express, MySQL, REST, API, React, Redux, Javascript, Axios, Scrum, Hooks
Link to Repository
This is a project to respond to a technical test during a recruiting process to develop two micro service, one is about 2 factors authentification and the second one is a basic CRUD
Tecnology used: JWT, Nodejs, Express, MySQL, REST, API, Swagger, Tests, 2 environements (Local Development & Production)
Link to Crud Swagger
Link to authentification Swagger
Link to Repository