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Tackle Pathfinder application

It's the next version of the project.

Pathfinder is an extensible, questionnaire based assessment tool for assessing the suitability of applications for deployment onto an enterprise Kubernetes platform.



1. Minikube - Microcks

  1. install Helm
  2. install Microcks
minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.20.2 --cpus 4 --memory 8192

minikube addons enable ingress

helm repo add microcks

kubectl create namespace microcks

helm install microcks microcks/microcks --version 1.2.0 --namespace microcks --set microcks.url=microcks.$(minikube ip) --set keycloak.url=keycloak.$(minikube ip)

Check URL of microcks on the output : Microcks is available at (that IP will change with yours)

Use admin or user as user and microcks123 as password

2. Local container - Microcks

  1. run microcks dockercompose
git clone

cd microcks/install/docker-compose

docker-compose up -d

3. Local container - Apicurito

  1. run apicurito
podman run -p 9080:8080 apicurio/apicurito-ui

4. SaSS version - Apicurio

  1. go to

5. Openshift

  1. in your cluster install microcks & apicurio operators
  2. go to secrets , my-microcksinstall-keycloak-admin, copy username and password
  3. go to keycloak route login using those credentials
  4. got to view all suers and set the password for admin
  5. go to microcks route and log with those credentials

API Design

  1. go to apicurio URL
  2. Open API , load the openapi.json file
  3. Create/Edit the data types used by the operations
  4. For each operation and verb generate the different Responses
  5. For each response create examples ( these ones will be used by Microcks to generate the mocks )
    1. Generate 1 easy plain response
    2. Generate examples with Microcks templating to generate dynamic samples ( you can take a look to GET info operation )
  6. Save as JSON overriding the openapi.json

API Mocking

  1. go to microcks URL
  2. go to "Importers" menu
  3. click "upload" the file openapi.json
  4. microcks will store all the dispatchers configured and apply them as long as we don't change the name and version of the API
  5. to export microcks configuration go to "Administration" menu, then "Snapshots" and then "Export"
  6. to import microcks configuration go to "Administration" menu, then "Snapshots" and then "Import Snapshot....Browse"
  7. these import/export actions should be done everytime your microcks installation is recreated

API Testing

  1. on Microcks , in every operation with sample responses, we'll find a Mock URL
  2. use this URL to send the requests to



Assess Diagram

Questionaire Design

Design Diagram


  • flattened model (denormalised shcmema)

  • initial premisses :

    • no dependency between questions
    • no mandatory/optional questions
    • no multichoice questions
    • i18n capabilities
    • 1 application -> 1 assessment
    • only 1 questionaire

Model Diagram


Assess Application Copy Assessment
Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagram

Local test

Run a Postgres container, a Keycloak one ( if you are running this application alone and not with the rest of Tackle modules ) and execute the application in dev mode.


Start PostreSQL container with Podman executing this.

podman run -it \
            --name postgres-pathfinder -e POSTGRES_USER=pathfinder \
            -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pathfinder -e POSTGRES_DB=pathfinder_db \
            -p 5433:5432 postgres:10.6

NOTE setting the port to 5433 to not interfere with other services PostgresSQL


podman run -it --name keycloak --rm \
            -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -e KEYCLOAK_IMPORT=/tmp/keycloak/quarkus-realm.json \
            -e DB_VENDOR=h2 -p 8180:8080 -p 8543:8443 -v ./src/main/resources/keycloak:/tmp/keycloak:Z \

It works the same with Docker just replacing podman with docker in the above command.


./mvnw quarkus:dev

This will make Pathfinder to run on port 8085

Call endpoints in dev mode

To do calls to application's endpoint while running it in dev mode, execute the following commands:

Configure security

export access_token=$(\
    curl -X POST http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/quarkus/protocol/openid-connect/token \
    --user backend-service:secret \
    -H 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    -d 'username=alice&password=alice&grant_type=password' | jq --raw-output '.access_token' \

Get list of assessments

curl -X GET 'http://localhost:8085/pathfinder/assessments?applicationId=20' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer "$access_token -v -s | jq

Create an assessment

curl 'http://localhost:8085/pathfinder/assessments' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer "$access_token \
  -d "{ \"applicationId\": 20 }" \
  -v -s | jq


To contribute translating Tackle Pathfinder (questionnaire) into a new language please read Internationalization


Tackle Pathfinder application







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