YouTube RSS Subscriber (yrs
) allows you to subscribe to YouTube channels without the
need of a YouTube account.
uses a local database (sqlite by default) to keep track of the subscribed channels,
which are updated making use of the RSS feed that YouTube publishes. This update needs to
happen via yrs update
, running it either manually or via cron.
go install --tags fts5
First you'll need to subscribe to some channels. Lets subsribe to "This Old Tony" as an example:
$ yrs subscribe-yt
Config file created in /home/mruiz/.yrs/config.yml
Subscribed to "This Old Tony"
If this is the first you run yrs
, it'll create a config file under your home directory.
By default it also creates an empty sqlite database that will be used to keep track of subscribed
channels and old/new videos. The subscribe command checks the RSS feed for the channel, and records all
the video entries currently published.
After subscribing, the channels and the videos can be listed:
$ yrs list-channels
ID Name URL Autodownload
------------------------ ------------- ------------------------------------ --------------
UC5NO8MgTQKHAWXp6z8Xl7yQ This Old Tony 0
$ yrs list-videos "This Old Tony"
ID Title URL Published
----------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- -------------------
JN-Pkbeu52E Consoling a Milling Machine 2020-10-31 20:47:14
The ID of the videos can be used to download them:
$ yrs download JN-Pkbeu52E
[youtube] JN-Pkbeu52E: Downloading webpage
[download] Destination: Consoling a Milling Machine-JN-Pkbeu52E.mp4
[download] 100% of 76.29MiB in 00:09
After some time, you will probably want to check if there's anything new on your subscribed channels:
$ yrs update
Channel: This Old Tony
Title: NOW We're Cook'n with Argon!!
Channel: This Old Tony
Title: VCARVE Branding / Logo Irons - SECRET SANTA 2020!
Channel: This Old Tony
Title: Getting a Handle on Ron Covell
To unsubscribe from a channel:
$ yrs unsubscribe "This Old Tony"