Option #1 (Preferred): Install Node with brew.
brew install n
sudo n 12
Option #2: Install Node using the official resource installer.
Install project dependencies.
npm install
Runs the local build server with hot module reloading and eslint watcher.
npm run dev
Manually lint the files for any breaking changes.
npm run lint
Run all tests. This command will also automatically run during Husky's pre-commit checks.
npm run test
Build out the entire site as a static project.
npm run build
Clean out all Node packages.
npm run purge
Occasionally we may want to upgrade all packages to keep the project up to date, but since Vuepress is built on Vue 2 there are some discrepencies when trying to update everything. The following should not be updated:
- vuex
- sass-loader
Some dependencies need dev dependencies in order to work since their last update, this includes:
- webpack (normally not needed as a package since its bundled with Vuepress, et. al.)