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This is an open-source library that can be freely used in Android applications to detect ad blocker.

Project overview

Many ad blockers exist on Android, this is a real problem for developers that rely on ad incomes.

This project proposes an open source library that can detect most of ad blockers.

Then developers can display a dialog to inform user that an ad blocker has been detected and to propose, for example, to buy an ad-free version of the application or to quit.


Currently, the following methods are used to detect ad blockers:

  • Search for known ad blockers application package names
  • Resolve known ad server domains and check if it redirects to a local address (work for both DNS & hosts file modification)
  • Check in hosts file for known patterns (work for hosts file modification)

Detection methods will not give false positive but may not detect some ad blockers.

To be done:

  • Ad filtering proxy detection

This library will be improved regularly to ensure a maximum ad blocker detection rate.


Setup with Eclipse/ADT

Please go to the legacy-eclipse-project branch for the Eclipse project and documentation.

Setup with Android Studio/Gradle

At first, you need to clone the source code or download a snapshot. You will get a adBlockersDetector folder which is a Gradle module.

To use this module in your Android Studio project, simply add the following lines to your settings.gradle file:

include ':adBlockersDetector'
project(':adBlockersDetector').projectDir = new File('<replace with correct path>/adBlockersDetector')

And in your build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile project(':adBlockersDetector')


Simple example

public void checkAdBlocker()
    final AdBlockersDetector abd = new AdBlockersDetector(this);
    // Asynchronous detection in a background thread
    abd.detectAdBlockers(new AdBlockersDetector.Callback()
        public void onResult(boolean adBlockerFound, Info info)
                new DialogBuilder(MyActivity.this)

In this example, a dialog with only a Quit button is displayed on ad blocker detection.

The method checkAdBlocker() should be called in an Handler, by a delayed message sent in onCreate().

Adding a contact button

A contact button can be added to propose to the user to send a mail to the developer:

public void checkAdBlocker()
    final AdBlockersDetector abd = new AdBlockersDetector(this);
    // Asynchronous detection in a background thread
    abd.detectAdBlockers(new AdBlockersDetector.Callback()
        public void onResult(boolean adBlockerFound, Info info)
                new DialogBuilder(MyActivity.this)

Adding a buy button

public class MyActivity
    extends Activity
    implements AdBlockersDetector.Callback, DialogInterface.OnClickListener
    public void checkAdBlocker()
        final AdBlockersDetector abd = new AdBlockersDetector(this);
        // Asynchronous detection in a background thread

    public void onResult(boolean adBlockerFound, Info info)
            new DialogBuilder(this)
    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)
        if(which == DialogBuilder.BUTTON_BUY)
            // Propose to buy the ad-free version
            final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
            // It can be replaced by an in-app product...


To improve the detector, it is possible to easily edit constant arrays in

Currently there are four of them.

Adding app name

If you discover a new ad blocker application, just add its package name to the following array:

private static final String[] BLOCKERS_APP_NAMES = 

Blocked hosts

To check if some other ad servers may be blocked, complete the following array:

private static final String[] BLOCKED_HOSTS = 

For each domain, the library check whether it resolves to a local address.

hosts file path

If on some system the hosts file is in a special folder, add the full path to the following array:

private static final String[] HOSTS_FILES = 

The library checks if these files contain one of the pattern defined below.

hosts file patterns

You can add patterns to look for in hosts file in the following array:

private static final String[] HOSTS_FILE_PATTERNS = 

Adding translation

Currently, text strings (used in the provided dialog for example) are translated in English,Chinese & French. You can add support for your native language by adding a strings.xml file in res/values-xx.


Android ad blocker detector library







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