An introduction to MELD can be found on the MELD website
This is a meta-repository documenting MELD. The MELD implementation itself is split across a number of different repositories:
- oerc-music/meld-web-services, a reference implementation of the server-side session and annotation services for MELD 1.0. For MELD 2.0 onwards we recommend the use of Solid Pods instead (see below).
- oerc-music/meld-clients-core, a React.js library providing functionalities common to MELD applications, including reusable web page elements, graph traversal actions, rendering and interaction handlers, and state reducers.
- Repositories for several MELD apps.
Starting from MELD 2.0, we recommend the use of Solid Pods for managing sessions and storing annotations. Any Solid Pod provider should be compatible with MELD; the MELD team recommend node-solid-server for local deployments. See music-scholars-annotator for an example MELD app which uses Solid Pods.
Apps conceived prior to MELD 2.0 may still be using a bespoke partial implementation of LDP provided directly by meld-web-services. This reference implementation of the MELD 1.0 annotation and session web services is available at oerc-music/meld-web-services. To install:
git clone
cd meld-web-services
pip install -r requirements.txt #(or use a virtualenv)
python runserver #(default port: 5000)
This code depends on a number of Python modules, including Flask (web server), and PyLD, rdflib, and SPARQLWrapper (Linked Data functionalities around RDF graph handling, JSON-LD conversion, and SPARQL querying). A full listing of the dependencies is available in the requirements.txt file.
oerc-music/meld-clients-core, a React.js library providing common MELD web page elements, graph traversal actions, rendering and interaction handlers, and state reducers. To include this in your MELD app, add the following entry to the dependencies in your application's package.json file:
"meld-clients-core": "oerc-music/meld-clients-core"
MELD Clients Core depends on a number of npm modules, including React, Redux, and Redux-Thunk (web application framework), solid-auth-client (authenticated HTTP communication with Solid Pods), and "jsonld" and "n3" (Linked Data functionalities around RDF graph handling and JSON-LD conversion). A full list of dependencies is available in the package.json file.
MELD Clients Core also includes JavaScript components of Verovio, a music engraving library developed by the RISM Digital Center (see rism-digital/verovio repository).
We maintain a list of current MELD app repositories. Further description of specific MELD apps can be found on the MELD Apps and Projects page. In other cases MELD apps are sometimes under development in private repositories.
For a detailed description, please refer to our ISMIR 2017 paper: