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An oscilloscope in ASCII

The objective of this utility is to create a real time graphical monitoring of changing data from a terminal. The target applications may be monitoring electrical signals. Clearly this is not as representative as a true graphical display, but it allows a simple illustration of input changes. For my purposes it will allow me to select multipliers and offsets adjustments for signal captures by sensors for other applications. It is also a test bed for the development of CursesSprites and eventual PerlayStation Terminal Games Console. The development of these have been temporarily paused while I improve my understanding of terminal applications development (I am thinking of eventually disposing of Curses altogether, so Curses is not used in this application). See CHANGES for updates. Conversion to a GUI, vector tracing appplication is projected, and may only require minor changes.

Ihe display can be positioned and sized as needed. Multiple traces can be displayed. The keyboard is monitored for functions to be added as development continues.

Vesion 0.09

Features and function

This can be illustrated using the screenshot below. Screenshot2

  • Tab = Makes next trace active if there are multiple traces
  • q = Quits the application
  • p = Pauses display and data capture for all traces
  • s = Stop/resume individual traces
  • h = hide/show traces
  • a = Auto levels, adjusts multipliers and offset so data fits in the screen
  • → = Speed up increase number of updates per second by 10
  • ← = Slow down, reduce number of updates per second by 10
  • ↑ = Shift up, increase offset so trace moves up the display
  • ↓ = Shift down, decrease offset so trace moves down the display
  • * = Inc Window, increase samples per full width of the screen
  • / = Dec Window, decrease samples per full width of the screen
  • + = Magnify, increase Y multiplier by 10%, zooming into trace
  • - = Reduce, reduce multiplier by 10%, zooming out

Adding traces

Traces can be loaded from an external file by my $trace= new Trace(traceFile=>"arduino.trc") . Files are structured like the contents of a hash.

# Example contents of a .trc file
description   =>"Sine Trace",
name          =>"sin",
dataWindow    =>50,
internals     =>{x=>1},
symbol        => "*",
colour        => "red bold",
source        => sub{
                 my $self=shift;
		         shift @{$self->{data}} if @{$self->{data}}>$self->{dataWindow};
		         $self->{internals}{x}=0 if $self->{internals}{x}>200;
		         push @{$self->{data}},sin (3.14*$self->{internals}{x}++/20);
  • desription is a user friendly description of the function
  • name is the name of the trace and needsto be unique
  • dataWindow is the number of data points displayed in each frame
  • internals are specific to the plot where the user may store the internal variables for the trace functions
  • symbol is the symbol used for the plot
  • source->() is the function that retrieves the next data point. For illustration examples of sin and cos traces are supplied. Typically the function would remove the oldest datapoint (using shift) and insert (using push) the newest one at the other end. May be more reasonable to put in example triangle, sawtooth, square wave. A future trace will be the internal "trigger". The main purpose of this function is to capture external data for plotting.
  • colour is a string of formatting options separated by spaces, e.g. "bold red strikethrough".

Alternatively the parameters can be passed to new Trace e.g. the following example reads the trace from a file containing data. This trace is also icluded in the src folder in file.trc format..

# Example trace that reads data from a file
$traces{file}=new Trace(
  description   =>"File Reader",
  name          =>"file",
  dataWindow    =>50,
  internals     =>{fileName=>"",},
  symbol        => "*",
  colour        => "magenta bold",
  source        => sub{
     my $self=shift;
     open ($self->{internals}{fh},'<', $self->{internals}{fileName}) unless exists $self->{internals}{fh};
     shift @{$self->{data}} if @{$self->{data}}>$self->{dataWindow};
     my $in=readline($self->{internals}{fh});
     push @{$self->{data}},$in;
     close $self->{internals}{fh} and delete $self->{internals}{fh} if eof($self->{internals}{fh})


The display from version 0.09 onwards, the display setu up by creating a Display object.

my $display=new Display(       # display parameters
   showLogo   =>1,             # show scrolling logo or not
   showMenu   =>1,             # show menu or not
   enableColours=>1,           # enable colours
   refreshRate =>100,

Creating a Trace Widget

Widgets are given ids, and updated depdendent on $display->{refreshRate}. Multiple traces can be displayed in a widget.

# create a chart widget containing traces, and then "run" the scope
	            borderStyle=>"double",borderColour=>"bold blue",
	            title=>"ASCIIloscope Demo",titleColour=>"black on_yellow",

It is also possible to create multiple chart widgets. $display->run(<widgetId list>) starts a loop that redraws the contents of the widgets listed by their ids.

A trace can also be added after a chart widget has been created. using $display->addTrace(,)

# add trace to existing 
$display->addTrace( new Trace(traceFile=>"ramp.trc") ,"scope");   

Charting from sensors

The goal of this project had been to produce low dependency visual representation of data acquied from sensors. The arduino.trc file example allows data to be read from an Arduino to be read into the Asciiloscope.

 description   =>"Arduino Reader",
 name          =>"arduino",
 dataWindow    =>50,
 internals     =>{ init=>my $dummy=eval {use Device::SerialPort::Arduino},
 symbol        => "*",
 colour        => "yellow bold",
 source        => sub{
                  my $self=shift;
                  unless(defined $self->{internals}{device}){
                     port     => '/dev/ttyUSB0',
                     baudrate => 9600,
                     databits => 8,
                     parity   => 'none',
                  shift @{$self->{data}} if @{$self->{data}}>$self->{dataWindow};
                  my $in=$self->{internals}{device}->receive();
                  if ($in !~/\d/){$in=150+400*rand()};
                  push @{$self->{data}},$in-300;


It is possible to customise the keyboard actions, either to replace existing actions, create new key actions, or to add functionailty to current action. Each key press is detected and the number corresponding to the key press is used to access the action (stored in %actions hash in the package Display). addAction takes a key number and a hashref. Hashref Keys are note for the note that appears on the menu, proc for the subroutine that is run when the key press is detected, and an optional userProc for user-defined actions. e.g.

# add/ modify action to a key press..tabs previously just changed activeTrace
# now it also updates the statBox


  • Time::HiRes
  • Term::ReadKey;
  • ANSI compatible terminal

Things to do: -

See CHANGES for updates.

  • Manual scale and offset adjustment (done in v0.02)
  • Manual sample rate adjustment (done in v0.02)
  • Autoscaling is already implemented (in v0.02 can now be triggered any time)
  • Drift adjustment (done in v0.04)
  • Colour (done in v0.05 and improved in 0.07)
  • Multiple independent traces (done in v0.05)
  • Triggers and Storage modes
  • Freeze frame (done in v0.07)
  • Export data to CSV and graphically to SVG
  • Data anaylsis
  • OO redesign (done in 0.09)


An oscilloscope in ASCII







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