trypyramid.com Public
Forked from Pylons/trypyramid.comtrypyramid.com marketing website
HTML UpdatedSep 17, 2024 -
djangobb Public archive
DjangoBB mirror. DjangoBB is a quick and simple forum which uses the Django Framework (written in Python language). Abbreviation DjangoBB stands for Django Bulletin Board. DjangoBB is distributed u…
FrameworkBenchmarks Public
Forked from TechEmpower/FrameworkBenchmarksSource for the TechEmpower Framework Benchmarks project
Java Other UpdatedJan 18, 2023 -
pyramid-cookiecutter-starter Public
Forked from Pylons/pyramid-cookiecutter-starterA Cookiecutter (project template) for creating a Pyramid starter project with choices for template language (Jinja2, Chameleon, or Mako), persistent backend (none, SQLAlchemy with SQLite, or ZODB),…
Python UpdatedMar 13, 2022 -
pyramid Public
Forked from Pylons/pyramidPyramid - A Python web framework
Python Other UpdatedDec 18, 2021 -
pydantic Public
Forked from pydantic/pydanticData parsing and validation using Python type hints
Python MIT License UpdatedMay 31, 2020