A HashiCorp Vault plugin for Google Auth.
The setup guide assumes some familiarity with Vault and Vault's plugin ecosystem. You must have a Vault server already running, unsealed, and authenticated.
Compile the plugin from source.
Move the compiled plugin into Vault's configured
:$ mv google-auth-vault-plugin /opt/vault/plugins/google-auth-vault-plugin
Calculate the SHA256 of the plugin and register it in Vault's plugin catalog. If you are downloading the pre-compiled binary, it is highly recommended that you use the published checksums to verify integrity.
export SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 "/opt/vault/plugins/google-auth-vault-plugin" | cut -d' ' -f1) vault write sys/plugins/catalog/google-auth-vault-plugin \ sha_256="${SHA256}" \ command="google-auth-vault-plugin"
Mount the auth method:
vault auth-enable \ -path="google" \ -plugin-name="google-auth-vault-plugin" plugin
Create an OAuth client ID in the Google Cloud Console, of type "Other".
Configure the auth method:
vault write auth/google/config \ client_id=<GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID> \ client_secret=<GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET>
Create a role for a given set of Google users mapping to a set of policies:
Create a policy called hello: vault polices
vault write auth/google/role/hello \ bound_domain=<DOMAIN> \ bound_emails=myuseremail@<DOMAIN>,otheremail@<DOMAIN> \ policies=hello
The plugin can also map users to policies via Google Groups; however you need to consider how groups are retrieved and whether having administative permissions for the plugin is acceptable.
Use with caution.
Alternative auth method with groups enabled:
vault write auth/google/config \ client_id=<GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID> \ client_secret=<GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET> \ fetch_groups=true
Create a role for a Google group mapping to a set of policies:
vault write auth/google/role/hello \ bound_domain=<DOMAIN> \ bound_groups=SecurityTeam,WebTeam \ policies=hello
Login using Google credentials (NB we use
to navigate to the Google Auth URL to get the code).open $(vault read -field=url auth/google/code_url) vault write auth/google/login code=$GOOGLE_CODE role=hello
If running this inside a docker container or similar, you need to ensure the plugin has the IPC_CAP as well as vault.
$ sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep /etc/vault/plugins/google-auth-vault-plugin
When building remember your target platform.
e.g. on MacOS targeting Linux:
GOOS=linux make
You may need to set api_addr
This can be set at the top level for a standalone setup, or in a ha_storage stanza.
This code is licensed under the MPLv2 license.