Notice: Development on this repo is deprecated as we continue our v3 rearchitecture. Please see for ongoing v3 development.
A web-based GUI for Storj Bridge
- Nodemon
- Installation:
npm install -g nodemon
- Mongodb
brew update && brew install mongodb
If you don't have Mac OSX, follow the install instructions
If you don't have Homebrew, install it
As an easy way to manage Mongo and other databases, I recommend Launch Rocket. Install with
brew cask install launchrocket
. This will allow you to easily turn Mongo on and off and even have it start automatically. -
Start Mongo with
in a new terminal window. If you don't use Launch Rocket, then you'll need to follow the Mongo instructions to start it
- Redis
brew update && brew install redis
Just get Launch Rocket by now to start and manage all your databases
- Node >= v.6.9.4
Optional: You don't need this folder, but it may help in organizing if you've got a lot going on
$ mkdir storj-dev
$ cd storj-dev
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
Open up two more terminal windows and navigate to the storj-dev
In the first one, navigate to storj-dev/bridge
$ npm install && npm link
$ NODE_ENV=develop storj-bridge
If it's running correctly, you should see output like this:
{"level":"info","message":"starting the bridge engine","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:47:51.665Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"opening database connection to mongodb://","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:47:51.666Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"configuring service endpoints","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:47:51.688Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"setting up http(s) server instance","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:47:51.701Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"connected to database","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:47:51.718Z"}
In another terminal window, navigate to storj-dev/billing
Create a .env file
for storing billing variables
$ touch .env
Paste your STRIPE_KEY=stripe_test_key
into the .env
$ npm install
$ npm run start:dev
If it's running correctly, you should see output like this:
> storj-billing@0.2.0 start-dev /Users/barbara/Documents/Code/storj-dev/billing
> NODE_ENV=develop nodemon ./bin/storj-billing.js
[nodemon] 1.11.0
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node ./bin/storj-billing.js`
**** server listening on 3000
{"level":"info","message":"starting the billing engine","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:51:26.215Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"opening database connection","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:51:26.216Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"configuring service endpoints","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:51:26.238Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"setting up http(s) server instance","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:51:26.308Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"connected to database","timestamp":"2017-04-28T20:51:26.325Z"}
In the last terminal window, navigate to storj-dev/bridge-gui-vue
Create a .env
file to hold app secrets
$ touch .env
Inside, you'll need to add this:
Then, you can start up everything
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
The initial load takes around ~17 secs, but every other load after that is ~0.5-2 seconds
If running correctly, you'll see output like this:
> bridge-gui-vue@1.0.0 dev /Users/barbara/Documents/Code/storj-vagrant/bridge-gui-vue
> node build/dev-server.js
DONE Compiled successfully in 16180ms 4:27:05 PM
> Listening at http://localhost:3001
Open up localhost:3001
. Now, upon making changes and saving the file, the app will hot reload and display those changes.