constructor arguments:
- host: required - MQTT broker host
- port: required - MQTT broker port
- clientId: required - MQTT clientId
- tls: optional - refer to MQTT.js library for arguments
- extraOpts: optional - refer to MQTT.js library for extra connection options
connect arguments:
- will: optional - MQTT will
destroy arguments:
- cb: callback is called when MQTT connection is closed
client events:
- connected, triggered when the client is connected. Returns the socket in the callback.
- error, triggered when there is an error.
- reconnecting, triggered when the client tries to reconnect to the MQTT broker
send arguments:
- message: required - The message must have parameters: {action, dest, payload}
- resultCb: required - (error, result)
- mqttCb: optional - (error, result)
createCollection arguments:
- collectionName: required - The name of the collection
- localState: required - The local variable where the state will be stored
- collectionObjectCb: required - Returns the collection object used to query the 'MQTT' database
createGlobalCollection arguments:
- collectionName: required - The name of the collection
- localState: required - The local variable where the state will be stored
- collectionObjectCb: required - Returns the collection object used to query the 'MQTT' database
customPublish arguments:
- { topic, message, opts }
- cb
customSubscribe arguments:
{ topic, opts }
devicemqtt = require 'device-mqtt'
client = devicemqtt host, port, 'client'
client.on 'connected', (socket) ->
{action, dest, payload}
, (error, response) ->
, (error, ack) ->