x86_64 kernel from asm to c
This was made by following a video series by CodePulse, the playlist can be found here
remember to have this tools in your path
Docker for the build-environment
QEMU for emulating our operating system
# buildenv: folder with the dockerfile
# kascii-env: container name
docker build buildenv --tag kascii-env
# Linux or MacOS:
docker run --rm -it -v "$pwd":/root/env kascii-env
# Windows (CMD):
docker run --rm -it -v "%cd%":/root/env kascii-env
# Windows (PowerShell):
docker run --rm -it -v "${pwd}:/root/env" kascii-env
# --rm: remove container on exit
# -i: interactive mode
# -t: allocate a pseudo-TTY
# -v "<current_folder>:/root/env": mounts the current folter into the volume /root/env on the container
# kascii-env: container name used on setup
make build-x86_64
The gerenated iso will be located at dist/x86_64/kernel.iso
# windows/linux/macos
qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom dist/x86_64/kernel.iso
# windows but qemu cannot find the pc bios (use powershell)