So you may have wanted just to be able to print into console in different colors, fonts, sizes, etc. at some point maybe but yeah there is no function that lets you do it easily (atleast one that i know of, if there actualy exist something, please just kill me)
So the main features:
Remove the time in front of the text
Custom Icon (uh idk how to get the image asset link, but you can surely get it to work)
you can of course combine them
loadstring(game:HttpGet((''),true))().EasyInit("eP", true)
First parameter of EasyInit is the name to export the module as, second if you want to enable rainbow (of course you do, why do i even give you an option) Also its autoexec safe
Text (string)
TextSize (number)
Color (color3)
Font (string)
BeforeText (string)
KeepTime (bool)
IsWarn (bool)
Icon (string)
i hope i didnt miss anything
Text = "text",
Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,0,255)
eP.print({Text = "this is so cool",
Rainbow = true,
KeepTime = false,
BeforeText = "~ ",
Font = "GothamBlack",
TextSize = 20})
Small Q&A:
Q: Dont you think that your method is quite bad ?
A: Yes, shut up, i got reasons.
Q: I dont like to type all the options all the time, could you make more specific functions ?
A: NO, make a f'in wrapper.
Q: Are you really that shit at lua ?
A: yes
Known issues:
When applying filters in console the text's id is changed untill you remove the filter again, so it wont apply cool stuff on itnot anymoreIf there is being printed alot of stuff into the console, it will catch the wrong text id (pls gimmie ideas how to fix this one)nah, also fixedMaybe performance issues, mainly when the print function is calledthey are still there but not as badIf the the text is offscreen when it gets printed, it wont worknaaah also fixed
If you have any problems, ideas, etc. please post em Also please rate my idea, i need to know how much did i waste my time on this