Custom ActiveRecord Validation for International Standard Book Number (ISBN) fields. Supports both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. Will guarantee that validated fields contain valid ISBNs.
Default behaviour is to allow either ISBN-10 or ISBN-13, but this can be altered by specifying the :with option as shown in the example below.
For more information on ISBN, see
To use it, add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'isbn_validation'
The current version of isbn_validation only supports Rails 3+. For Rails 2.x support, please use v0.1.2.
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :isbn, :isbn_format => true
validates :isbn10, :isbn_format => { :with => :isbn10 }
validates :isbn13, :isbn_format => { :with => :isbn13 }
Copyright © 2015 Nick Plante, released under the MIT license