This software repository aims to provide CLI-based tools to facilitate preparation of presentations.
It differs from other alternatives since this software tries to follow the UNIX philosophy as close as possible while still allowing the end result to look nice and pleasant to the eye.
These tools work on Linux, but can be made to work on other platforms too with some or a lot of effort (depending on the tool).
All pull requests and issues welcome.
echo 42 | chart pie
( echo 42 the answer; echo 113 ; echo 69) | chart barcount noheader
wc -l /etc/* | sort -nr |chart barcount noheader
cat /proc/vmstat | sort -k2 -nr | head -10 | chart bar noheader
(echo -n param; cat /proc/interrupts) |chart bar ignoreextra
netstat -tu|grep :|awk '{print $5"/"$1}' |sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | tr : \ |chart summarybar noheader
dd if=/dev/urandom count=1000 | tr -dc 0-9 | sed -E 's/(..).(...).(...)./\1 \2 \3\n/g' | head -15 | chart plotscatter grid noheader cubefit dark
dd if=/dev/urandom count=1000 | tr -dc 0-9 | sed -E 's/(..).(...).(...)./\1 \2 \3\n/g' | head -15 | chart sidebar noheader squarefit overlay dark
dd if=/dev/urandom count=1000 | tr -dc 0-9 | sed -E 's/(..).(...).(...)./\1 \2 \3\n/g' | head -15 | chart pie /tmp/test.png noheader dark show
dominantcolor /tmp/test.png 3
image-invert /tmp/test.png
termshot /tmp/test2.png hexcolordump -as /tmp/test.png
wget && video2gif Aurora_Australis.ogv
Take a look at nice output images and respective input samples to continue your quick-start tour. Those are used for regression testing, but are super useful to learn to use the tools (not that they need any learning).
- General speaking tips and tricks
- Having the same terminal on your extended screen for the beamer
- terminal 1:
screen -S presenting
- terminal 2:
screen -x presenting
- move one of the terminals to the other screen Thanks to @leyrer & @MacLemon
- Drawing graphs
$ cat in.txt
digraph {
a -> b;
b -> c;
$ cat in.txt |dot -T svg > out-dot.svg