A React Native component for floating label text input with image place holder option
This component is originally based on (@react-native-floating-label-text-input) by (@eyaleizenberg)
This component will render an iOS styled text field with floating label animation. When there is no value, the placeholder will be centered. Once there is a value, the value will slide down and the label will fade in and slide up.
Credits for the concept to Matt D. Smith (@mds), and his original design.
npm install react-native-floating-label-text-image-input --save
import FancyTextField from 'react-native-floating-label-text-image-input';
var SomeComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
- placeholder (String) - String that will be used as the placeholder if there is no value. It will also be the string used for the label when there is a value.
- secureTextEntry (Bool) - If true, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text like passwords stay secure. The default value is false.
- keyboardType (Enum) - enum('default', 'email-address', 'numeric', 'phone-pad', 'ascii-capable', 'numbers-and-punctuation', 'url', 'number-pad', 'name-phone-pad', 'decimal-pad', 'twitter', 'web-search').
- value (String) - Value of the text input.
- onFocus (Function) - Function to be called on focus.
- onBlur (Function) - Function to be called on blur.
- onChangeTextValue (Function) - Function to be called when text is modified.
- noBorder (Boolean) - Hide the border bottom of the field.
- maxLength (Number) - Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Use this instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker.
- selectionColor (String) - The highlight, the label (and cursor on ios) color of the text input.
- unselectedColor (String) - The highlight and the label color of the text input when is not focused.
- textColor (String) - Text color.
Feel free to open an issue on github, send suggestions, fork this repository or contact me at erumawan.21@gmail.com
Thanks and Enjoy! :)