Pixvault is a robust stock image website built with the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js) for a seamless user experience. It empowers users to view, manage, and download images, making it ideal for designers, bloggers, and anyone seeking exceptional visuals.
This is the frontend repo. Check out the backend repo.
Frontend (React):
- The React frontend makes requests to the backend API endpoints using the Axios library.
- These endpoints enable various functionalities like:
- User login and authentication
- Image search based on keywords or categories
- Downloading and liking images
Backend (Node.js):
- The Node.js backend handles these API requests using the Express.js framework.
- Based on the requested endpoint, the backend would:
- Authenticate user by interfacing with the Auth0 API.
- Communicate with the MongoDB database to perform actions like image retrieval and updating for preferences.
- Finally process various requests and generate a response in JSON format. This response could include the requested data like image details or user information.
REST API Interaction:
The communication between frontend and backend follows the REST architectural style.
- Typescript: Enhances code maintainability, type safety, and developer experience.
- Secure Authentication: Leverages Auth0 for secure user login and authorization, ensuring data privacy and trust.
- React Redux State Management: Provides a centralized state management solution for a predictable and efficient user interface.
- Mantine UI Integration: Offers a modern and responsive design framework for an intuitive user experience.
Prerequisites: Node.js (version 18 or later) and npm (Node Package Manager) are required. You can download them from the official Node.js website: https://nodejs.org/en.
Clone the Repository: Open your terminal and navigate to your desired project directory. Then, run the following command to clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/2brownc/pixvault-frontend.git
Install Dependencies: Navigate to the project directory and install the required dependencies using npm:
cd pixvault-frontend npm install
Environment Variables: Create a
file in the project root directory and configure the following environment variables:VITE_AUTH0_AUDIENCE VITE_AUTH0_CLIENTID VITE_AUTH0_DOMAIN VITE_ANONAUTH_TOKEN #anonymous auth using JWT VITE_HOME_SEARCHTERM VITE_DEFAULT_SEARCHTERM VITE_DEMO_EMAIL VITE_DEMO_PASS VITE_SERVER_URL #backend server url VITE_SERVER_CROSS_ORIGIN #same as server url if on same domain, else set to '*'
Start the Development Server: Run the following command to start the development server:
npm start
This will launch the app at
in your browser.
Instructions on deploying Pixvault to a production environment will be added in a future update.