Alkoholiq, a programming language that transpiles to Brainfuck. The output is not executable immediately, and needs to be piped into a tool such as my 540 byte brainfuck interpreter.
The ultimate goal for this semi-esoteric language is to be able to write itself in a readable way, with syntax similar to rust and operation similar to C.
The internals are explained in the document.
The only valid file extension is .🍺 (U+1F37A).
Not all features of this section's example are implemented. Syntax may also change, I might possibly maybe try to think about doing math properly someday for three seconds.
// Comment
Multiline comment
// Variables
// There are no types, only u8
// Values over 255 wrap around
named_var = 5
// In this case named_char's value is 99
// Single quotes are used for characters, double quotes for strings
// Non ascii characters are not supported for characters
named_char = 'c'
// false is 0, true is 1
// In comparison, 0 is false, everything else is true
bool = true
// Fixed size arrays
// Arrays are denoted by the * symbol as they work like pointers
// Expressions can be used inside anything
array = [ 1 2 3 4 { + ( 3 2 ) } ]
// An array can also be created this way, substituting memset
array_empty = [ 0 ; 3 ]
// Strings are arrays
string = "Hello, World!"
// This string is four characters long!
beer = "🍺"
// Operators
two = 2
// I'm too lazy to make actual math so enjoy reversed reverse polish notation
math = +( 5 *(5 two))
// Functions
input_array = [0;16]
// Get user input
// Maximum length is 16
input(input_array 16)
// Print
print("Hello ")
// Printf is used for printing strings and numbers in decimal
// This prints `c`
// This prints `99`
// Iterators work like in Rust
// For simplicity, if the iterator is a single number it is still ran
for ch in input_array {
// Indents are 8 wide tabs
// \n prints out a new line, a single \ does not need to be escaped
// Example foobar implementation
hit = false
for i in 0..254 {
if eq( %( i 5 ) 0 ) {
hit = true
if eq( %( i 7 ) 0 ) {
hit = true
if eq( hit true ) {
} else {
The name stems from alcoholism, because, well, I'm from the Czech Republic where beer is cheaper than water. Alkoholik is a short Czech translation of an alcohol addict. Inspired by our automotive manufacturer, Škoda, that have started naming all of their new cars with the letter q at the end, I decided to do the same. Tune in next time for QDE Qonnect.
I will not be taking any questions, thank you.