Simple sudoku for the terminal using ncurses and written in C.
Simply run:
git clone
cd sudoku
# For the game itself
make sudoku.out
# From a simple text solver
make solver.out
# Or both at once
If you don't want the game to show colors (for ncurses) simply comment this line in src/game/globals.h
If you don't want the solver program to show colors (for example for some windows terminals or for redirecting the output) simply comment this line in src/solver/defines.h
* Comment this line if you don't want colors!
* Will not print with colors if not defined, useful for redirecting the output of
* the command.
#define USE_COLOR
Simply run:
$ ./sudoku.out --help
./sudoku.out - Run with default difficulty.
./sudoku.out <number> - Where number is the number of cells that are going to be filled. [1-80]
The solver program will try to read from the filename specified as argument, or stdin if none. The program checks if stdin is a piped file or command output (only on linux) and prints the usage if not.
$ ./solver.out filename.txt
$ ./solver.out < filename.txt
$ cat filename.txt | ./solver.out
$ ./solver.out # Will only check for pipes on linux
./solver.out file.txt
./solver.out < file.txt