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mozambique PublicWho are the people behind the mining industry in Mozambique? A partial answer can be found by connecting minerals concessions to the people who control the licensed exploration and mining companies…
Siyazana.co.za PublicSiyazana is an isiZulu word that means we know each other or we are connected. This website has been designed to provide users with a tool to investigate the connections that exist between the priv…
DoubleOffshore.org Public archiveOffshore drilling platforms near the coast of Nigeria. Accessible at https://doubleoffshore.org/
PanamaPapers PublicHow The Elite Hide Their Wealth. Accessible at https://panamapapers.investigativecenters.org/
- InvestigativeCenters.org Public
Website for the African Network of Centers for Investigative Reporting (ANCIR). Accessible at: https://investigativecenters.org
ANCIR/InvestigativeCenters.org’s past year of commit activity - MisInfo Public
Microsite for the Misinfo - #fakenews project. Preview here: https://misinfo.investigate.africa
ANCIR/MisInfo’s past year of commit activity - MafiaInAfrica Public
How the Mafia infiltrates the African economy. Accessible at https://mafiainafrica.investigativecenters.org
ANCIR/MafiaInAfrica’s past year of commit activity - FatalExtraction Public
The Human Cost of Australia's Mining Empire in Africa. Accessible at https://fatalextraction.org
ANCIR/FatalExtraction’s past year of commit activity - flexicadastre Public Forked from occrp-attic/datacommons
SpatialDimensions FlexiCadastre scraper for memorious
ANCIR/flexicadastre’s past year of commit activity - Siyazana.co.za Public
Siyazana is an isiZulu word that means we know each other or we are connected. This website has been designed to provide users with a tool to investigate the connections that exist between the private and public spheres in South Africa. Accessible at https://siyazana.co.za
ANCIR/Siyazana.co.za’s past year of commit activity - DoubleOffshore.org Public archive
Offshore drilling platforms near the coast of Nigeria. Accessible at https://doubleoffshore.org/
ANCIR/DoubleOffshore.org’s past year of commit activity
This organization has no public members. You must be a member to see who’s a part of this organization.
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