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Arkiweb recently became incompatible with the arkimet C++ API's. The development of arkiweb is in freeze status.

To run/install the last stable version of arkiweb with older versions of arkimet/dballe the following resources are available:


Arkiweb needs the following libraries

If you edit the Javascript or CSS files or compile from cloned git repo, you must install the following programs:

Install dependencies on Fedora

On Fedora, install node and npm from official repositories:

$ dnf install nodejs npm

Then, install locally eco package:

$ npm install eco
$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/node_modules/eco/bin

or in global mode:

$ npm install -g eco


$ autoreconf -ifv && ./configure && make

Web services installation

The web services are installed in $libdir/arkiweb.

To install the services under a web server, you must configure it.

The environment variable ARKIWEB_CONFIG is mandatory. Its value is the path of the configuration file, created with arki-mergeconf.

An example of Apache configuration is in $datarootdir/arkiweb/httpd/arkiweb.conf.

Authentication and authorization

Arkiweb comes with a very simple authorization system. When the global variable ARKIWEB_RESTRICT is set, the service looks for the global variable ${ARKIWEB_RESTRICT}. The value of the variable is used for restricted access (similar to the --restrict option of the arkimet commands).

Example with Apache basic authentication:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "By Invitation Only"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/passwd/passwords
Require valid-user

In addition, you can limit the maximum number or size of retrieved items:

# Max 1000 items
SetEnv MAXCOUNT 1000
# Max 1000000 bytes
SetEnv MAXSIZE 1000000

Website installation

The website is installed under $datarootdir/arkiweb/public/.

  • arkiweb.css: stylesheet
  • arkiweb.js: development version
  • arkiweb.min.js: minified version

In the same directory you will find the following third party libraries:

Then, you must configure and run your arkiweb application. Suppose that you have you web services under /cgi-bin/arkiweb and that you want embed arkiweb inside a <div id="arkiweb">:

$(document).ready(function() {{
		baseUrl: "/cgi-bin/arkiweb",
		el: "#arkiweb"

See $docdir/arkiweb/html/example/index.html for a simple example.


Name Description
datasets Retrieve list of datasets
summary Retrieve the summary
fields Retrieve list of fields
data Retrieve the data

⚠️ please note:

  • all the webservices works with GET parameters
  • all the parameters need to be encoded (e.g. --data-urlencode curl option), due to the frequent use of reserved characters as ";" in queries

Get the list of datasets

The /datasets service returns the list of datasets in JSON format.

The parameters are:

  • datasets[]=NAME: run the service over the dataset with name NAME. Can be specified multiple times. If not set, run the service over all the datasets.
  • query=QUERY: filter datasets by query. NOTE: when query is specified, the service could be very slow.

The output is a JSON object:

  "datasets": [
      "id": "lmsmr4x52",
      "name": "lmsmr4x52",
      "description": "COSMOI7, Operational suite, v4.21, CI and BC from IFS",
      "bounding": "POLYGON ((20.6613559288928954 31.7145084340445464, 0.9181226563627547 ... ))",
      "allowed": true,
      "postprocess": [
  • id: id of the dataset
  • name: name of the dataset
  • description: description of the dataset
  • bounding: bounding box in WKT format
  • allowed: true if the user can download data from this dataset
  • postprocess: array with a list of allowed postprocessors


# List all datasets
$ curl -G 'http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/services/arkiweb/datasets'
# List all datasets with data for today
$ curl -G 'http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/services/arkiweb/datasets' --data-urlencode 'query=reftime:=today'

Get the list of fields

The /fields service returns the list of the available fields (metadata) for the given datasets and for the (optionally) given query.

The parameters are:

  • datasets[]=NAME: run the service over the dataset with name NAME. It can be specified multiple times. If not set, the result is empty.
  • query=QUERY: filter datasets by query.

The output is a JSON object:

  "fields": [
      "type": "area",
      "values": [{...}, {...}]
      "type": "product",
      "values": [{...}, {...}]
  "stats": {
    "b": [
    "e": [
    "c": 5178696,
    "s": 964376769120
  • fields: array with an object for each metadata type
    • type: the metadata type
    • values: array containing the metadata of the given type
  • stats: b: begin reftime e: end reftime c: item count s: size in bytes


# List today's metadata for datasets cosmo_5M_ita and cosmo_2I
$ curl -G --anyauth 'http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/services/arkiweb/fields' --data-urlencode 'datasets[]=cosmo_5M_ita' --data-urlencode 'datasets[]=lmsmr6x54' --data-urlencoede 'query=reftime:=today'

Get the summary

The /summary service returns metadata of every single file archived. It uses the same parameters of the /fields service.


# List the number of t2m grib for today's run of cosmo_5M_ita:
$ curl -G --anyauth 'http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/services/arkiweb/fields' --data-urlencode 'datasets[]=cosmo_5M_ita' --data-urlencode 'query=reftime:=today 00:00; product: GRIB1,80,2,11; level: GRIB1,105,2'

Get the data

The /data service returs the data.

The parameters are:

  • datasets[]=NAME: run the service over the dataset with name NAME. It can be specified multiple times.
  • query=QUERY: filter datasets by query. If not specified it means "all available data" and it's generally a bad idea.
  • postprocess=NAME ARGS: postprocessor. If this parameter is set, only one dataset can be specified. If multiple datasets are selected the webservice will return a HTTP status 400 (Bad Request).

The return data format depends on the data requested and/or on the postprocessor selected. For additional information on postprocessor parameters please see:


# Extract today's cosmo_5M_ita analysis
$ curl -G --anyauth 'http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/services/arkiweb/data' --data-urlencode 'datasets[]=cosmo_5M_ita' --data-urlencode 'query=reftime:=today;timerange:GRIB1,0,0'
# Extract a single point with given lat/lon coordinates from today's cosmo_5M_ita analysis using `singlepoint` postprocessor requesting json format in output
$ curl -G --anyauth 'http://USER:PASSWORD@HOST/services/arkiweb/data' --data-urlencode 'datasets[]=cosmo_5M_ita' --data-urlencode 'query=reftime:=today;timerange:GRIB1,0,0' --data-urlencode 'postprocess=singlepoint -f JSON 12 44'


Arkiweb is licensed under GPLv2+.

The following third party libraries are included in this package: