A python tool that scans files in directories and subdirectories hunting BIP39 mnemonic seeds. It is part of the bigger project Anu₿itux: more info at https://anubitux.org.
It allows the user to provide a path and then scans all the files looking for sequencies of words that could be BIP39 mnemonic seeds. Then it checks if the found sequencies are valid mnemonic seeds and prints it in the output. With seedsearchpro.py, when seeds are found, users can decide if they want to derive addresses and check if the seeds have been used. At line 38 of seedsearchpro.py it is also possible to add a blockcypher API key to avoid reaching API limits
Running issued could be encountered due to APIs limits. To check only a few seeds that could be more valuable, use SeedCheck.py
Here you can see how the tool works.
The tool was tested in Ubuntu 20.04 with Python3.8 and Ubuntu 22.04 with Python3.10. I suggest tu run the tool in his own virtual environment. Python shoul be installed by default. If not so, update your repositories
sudo apt update
and type
sudo apt install python3
Then install pip, to easily install the dependencies
sudo apt install python3-pip
Now clone the github repository
git clone https://github.com/ASeriousMister/SeedSearch.py
and install python virtual environments
pip3 install virtualenv
Now move to SeedCheck.py's directory,
cd SeedCheck.py
create a virtual environment (in the example named scve, but you can choose your preferred name)
virtualenv ssve
and activate it
source ssve/bin/activate
The name of the virtual environment should appear, in brackets, on the left of your command line. Now you can install the dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Finally, you are ready to run the tool
python3 seedsearch.py -d /directory/to/scan
Sometimes pip may not install the packages listed in requirements.txt in the proper way. In this case, just install the missing package shown in the error message with
pip3 install {missing_package_name}
The tool supports the following coins with the indicated derivation paths:
- BIP39
- m/44'/0'/0'/0
- m/44'/0'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- m/49'/0'/0'/0
- m/49'/0'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- m/84'/0'/0'/0
- m/84'/0'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- m/84'/00/2147483645'/0'/0 (Samourai wallet Premix)
- m/84'/00/2147483646'/0'/0 (Samourai wallet Postmix)
- BIP39
- m/44'/60'/0'/0
- m/44'/60'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- BIP39
- m/44'/2'/0'/0
- m/44'/2'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- m/49'/2'/0'/0
- m/49'/2'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- m/84'/2'/0'/0
- m/84'/2'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- BIP39
- m/44'/5'/0'/0
- m/44'/5'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
- BIP39
- m/44'/133'/0'/0
- m/44'/133'/0'/0' (hardened addresses)
The tool may encounter some issues running with Ubuntu 22.04, due to incompatibility with ripemd160 hashes used by the hdwallet library. To solve this you need to edit the /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf file, making sure that it contains all the following lines:
openssl_conf = openssl_init
providers = provider_sect
default = default_sect
legacy = legacy_sect
activate = 1
activate = 1
SeedSearch.py aims to find seeds stored in files. Its cearch has not to be considered exhaustive, because mnemonic seeds can be easily hidden placed other words between the ones composing the mnemonic, scrambling letters, etc.
If you appreciate this work visit https://anubitux.org and consider making a donation
- BTC: 1AnUbiYpuFsGrc1JFxFCh5K9tXFd1BXPg