This provider for Apache Airflow contain the following features:
- MesosExecuter - A scheduler to run Airflow DAG's on mesos
- MesosOperator - To executer Airflow tasks on mesos. (TODO)
To open an issue, please use this place:
- Airflow 2.x
- Apache Mesos minimum 1.6.x
On the Airflow Server, we have to install the mesos provider.
pip install avmesos_airflow_provider
Then we will configure Airflow.
vim airflow.cfg
executor = avmesos_airflow_provider.executors.mesos_executor.MesosExecutor
mesos_ssl = True
master = leader.mesos:5050
framework_name = Airflow
checkpoint = True
attributes = False
failover_timeout = 604800
command_shell = True
task_cpu = 1
task_memory = 20000
authenticate = True
default_principal = <MESOS USER>
default_secret = <MESOS PASSWORD>
docker_image_slave = <AIRFLOW DOCKER IMAGE>
docker_volume_driver = local
docker_volume_dag_name = airflowdags
docker_volume_dag_container_path = /home/airflow/airflow/dags/
docker_sock = /var/run/docker.sock
docker_volume_logs_name = airflowlogs
docker_volume_logs_container_path = /home/airflow/airflow/logs/
docker_environment = '[{ "name":"<KEY>", "value":"<VALUE>" }, { ... }]'
api_username = <USERNAME FOR THIS API>
api_password = <PASSWORD FOR THIS API>
from airflow import DAG
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator
from airflow.providers.docker.operators.docker import DockerOperator
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
default_args = {
'owner' : 'airflow',
'description' : 'Use of the DockerOperator',
'depend_on_past' : True,
with DAG('docker_dag2', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval="*/10 * * * * ", catchup=True, as dag:
t2 = DockerOperator(
command="/bin/sleep 600",
"cpus": 2.0,
"mem_limit": 2048
For development and testing we deliver a nix-shell file to install airflow, our airflow provider and postgresql. To use it, please follow the following steps:
- Run mesos-mini:
docker run --rm --name mesos --privileged=true --shm-size=30gb -it --net host avhost/mesos-mini:1.11.0-0.2.0-1 /lib/systemd/systemd
- Use nix-shell:
> airflow scheduler
- On the mesos-ui (http://localhost:5050) you will see Airflow as framework.