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AXE Ninja IRC Bot Script (axeninja-irc)

This is part of what makes the AXE Ninja monitoring application. It contains:

  • TCP eggdrop scripts for an IRC bot


  • Eggdrop bot (v1.8)
  • tcl 8.6 with mysqltcl 3.052 and tcl-tls 1.6
  • A AXE Ninja Front-End public API (axeninja-fe).
  • A AXE Ninja Database on same machine on localhost (axeninja-db).


  • Import database structure in your MySQL server
  • Go to the root of your eggdrop bot user (ex: cd /home/axeninja2/irc/)
  • Get latest code from github:
git clone
  • Add the following lines to your eggdrop.conf (or whatever main eggdrop conf file you use for your bot):
# AXE IRC Bot settings

#  MySQL (axeninja-db)
set axeircbot_mysqluser "axeircbot"
set axeircbot_mysqlpass "somerandompassword"
set axeircbot_mysqldb "axeninja"

#  Path to scripts
set axeircbot_dir "/home/axeninja2/irc/axeninja-irc/"

#  Message length limit
set axeircbot_msglenlimit 442

#  If you want to use the Twitter announces
#   MySQL
set axeircbot_twitter_mysqluser "axeirctwitter"
set axeircbot_twitter_mysqlpass "someotherrandompassword"
#   Twitter nickname
set axeircbot_twitter_screenname "@axerunners"
#   Update script path (needs tweet-php)
set axeircbot_twitter_updatescript "/home/axeninja2/irc/axeircbot/helpers/updatetwitter"

# AXE IRC Bot bootstrap
source /home/axeninja2/irc/axeircbot/axeircbot.tcl
  • Configure the updatetwitter helper script in ./helpers/ folder by copying to and setting up the values as needed.

Based on Dash Ninja by Alexandre (aka elbereth) Devilliers


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