🎓 Interactive Quiz Application
A responsive and dynamic quiz application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project provides an engaging way to test knowledge while showcasing skills in frontend development.
🌟 Features
✅ Dynamic Quiz Functionality
• Predefined questions with multiple-choice answers.
• Real-time feedback on selected answers (correct or incorrect).
⏱️ Timer Integration
• Each question includes a countdown timer to maintain engagement.
• Automatically shows the correct answer if time runs out.
📱 Responsive Design
• Fully optimized for various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).
🎯 Score Tracking
• Displays the user’s score at the end of the quiz.
• Encourages users to replay and improve.
🛠️ Technologies Used
• HTML: Structure and layout.
• CSS: Styling for a sleek, modern UI.
• JavaScript: Logic for interactivity, timer, and question handling.
🚀 Getting Started
🔧 Prerequisites
• A modern web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
• Basic understanding of how to run HTML files locally.
📥 Installation
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/quiz-app.git
2. Navigate to the project folder:
cd quiz-app
3. Open index.html in your browser to start the quiz.
📂 Project Structure
├── index.html # Main HTML file
├── style.css # Stylesheet for design
├── script.js # JavaScript for functionality
└── README.md # Project documentation
🎓 How to Use
1. Open the app, and the first question will appear along with a 10-second timer.
2. Choose an answer by clicking on the option buttons.
3. Get instant feedback for correct (green) or incorrect (red) answers.
4. Click Next to move to the next question.
5. At the end of the quiz, view your final score and replay if desired.
🖥️ Live Demo
Link to Live Demo (https://quizappjsprojectrfa.netlify.app/)
🤝 Contributing
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page (Replace with your GitHub issues link) for ideas.
📜 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
📧 Contact
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or feedback! • Author: Abdullah Nazmus-Sakib • GitHub: AbdullahRFA • LinkedIn: Your LinkedIn Profile (https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdullah-nazmus-sakib-04024b261/)
Happy coding! 😊