Movix Flix is a dynamic movie application designed to provide users with comprehensive information about movies. With MovixFlix, users can effortlessly browse through a vast collection of movies, explore detailed information, and utilize advanced search and filtering functionalities. Whether you're a casual moviegoer or a passionate cinephile, MovixFlix offers a seamless and immersive movie browsing experience.
- Feature 1: Effortlessly search for movies using the intuitive search bar
- Feature 2: Customize your movie browsing experience with advanced filtering and sorting options.
- Feature 3: Immerse yourself in an aesthetically pleasing user interface adorned with captivating movie descriptions.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine using
git clone
- Navigate into the project directory using
cd movie-app
- Install dependencies by running
npm install
- Start the development server with
npm run dev
- Navigate to localhost url
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux Toolkit: A toolset for managing state in React applications.
- SCSS: A CSS preprocessor that adds power and elegance to the basic CSS syntax.
- React Lazy Component: A React library for lazy loading components.
- TMDB API: To fetch movies.