Student vim is a set of plugins an setting useful for students to take notes Using markdown. It has a few personal setting which you can change if you want to change
git clone
- Open the file in vim and then in normal mode type
:source %
- Go to where the plugins were downloaded
into theyoucompleteme
folder$ ./ -all
- It's ready
This is a file system explorer.
When in normal mode press ,n to toggle it on and off.
Press ? for more details.
For distraction free writing.
When in normal mode press ,f to toggle it on and off.
Vim surround is used for changing things around a word or a selection.
just type cs"'
to replace the surrounding "
with '
. or for changing ()
to []
For the status bar.
Used for fast commenting and uncommenting
to comment or uncomment the line you are on.
then the motion of the cursor (gc4j
for 4 line down form where the coursor is)(gcap
for the whole paragraph)
For the theme
Auto completion
This is for seeing the markdown preview on a you default browser(in github flavour).
- Removes the tex build files when you exit the document
- Syntax is matched with the file type automatically
- Automatically deletes any trailing while spaces
- Latex, HTML, Markdown, xml shortcuts
for autocompile form most file documents.(To use this),p
to open the corresonding pdf file(if produced)S
in normal mode set as replace all aliase:W
works as write