This is a simple python script example for a port scanning that you can use to scan open ports.
Please note that this script is for educational purposes only.
I do not take any responsibility for how you use this script.
if you found anything usefull please support me by follow me.
- Scans for open ports on a specified host
- Multi-threaded for faster scanning
- Customizable scan range and timeout
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install git
apt install python3
git clone
cd port-Scanner
apt update
apt upgrade
pkg install git
pkg install python3
git clone
cd Port-Scnner
In this script enter the number of the port where you want to start the scan and hit enter. Again, enter the last port number that you want to stop scanning
Distributed under the MIT License. See 'LICENSE' for more information.
Developed by Adityasinh.