Documents related to the National Technical Honor Society.
I wanted to be transparent about my application process to NTHS, from the documents they provided me, to the documents I made myself, and that others contributed.
This repo is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.
- Any Copyright/Trademark/rights are reserved to their respective owners.
- Claud D. Park and Vel for the Résumé template.
- WikiBooks for the title page
- Letters of Recommendation: The letters of recommendation written on the behalf of others.
- License: The License this repository is under.
- NTHS Specific: Papers specificly from NTHS, some papers omitted.
- Résumé: The LaTeX source-code for my Résumé/CV.
- What you are reading right now.
- Student Essay: An essay about why I should be inducted into NTHS.