Globe, a responsive hotel booking website that allows users to search for hotels, view details, and make reservations.
Run npm run sass-dev
command in the terminal for building the css and the built css will be available under dist/. This command also watches the changes and continously rebuilds the css.
Demonastration of UI development using HTML, CSS/SCSS and JavaScript.
Implementated CSS positioning, Grid layout / Flexbox, and SCSS features like variables, mixins, inheritance, loops, functions, math operations, etc.
Oraganized SCSS into multiple files based on UI features, common elements, and themes.
Added SCSS files to main.scss file and converted to a .css file using sass.
Created modular and concise CSS code using SCSS.
Fixed navbar on the viewport.
Added code documentation using SCSS comments.
Added .gitignore file for node_modules & dist directory, and made multiple Git commits .
Libraries like Bootstrap, JavaScript , inline styles and tables are NOT used.