- Ahmed Ibrahim => ahmedibrahim55518@gmail.com github => https://github.com/Ahmed-Ibrahim-30
- Samaa Khalifa Elsayed => samaakhalifa93@gmail.com github => https://github.com/SamaaKhalifa
- Noura Ashraf AbdElnaby => nourraasshhraf@gmail.com github => https://github.com/NouraAshraff
- Sondos Emara Gomaa Basha => sondos.emara2002@gmail.com github => https://github.com/SondosEmara
● This project introduce an expert university system
and the different relations between its parts represented as facts
and rules in clips and hierarchy ontology in protégé.
It also discusses how to infer on it using rule based system “clips”
and SparQl query language.
- University
- Faculty
- Department
- Program (Module)
- Course
- academic staff
- Exams
- Course work
- Thesis
- Lecture hall
- Library
- Lab room
- Lecturer
- TA
- Student
⦁ Define the different classes and subclasses in the system using ontology.
⦁ Define the relations between classes using object property.
⦁ Define the attributes of each class using data property.
⦁ Define the individuals (instance) of each class.
⦁ Reason on the whole ontology system to infers new data.
⦁ Use SparQl query language to extract new knowledge.
Ontology Diagram:
Object Properties(Relationships), Data Property and Classes:
1 - Class (University)
⦁ Data properties: UniversityName.
⦁ Object properties: hasFaculty.
2 - Class (Faculty)
⦁ Data properties: FacultyName.
⦁ Object properties: hasPlaces ,hasDepartment and isInside.
⦁ Data properties: CourseName.
⦁ Object properties: hasExam , hasStudent, hasWork,isToughtBy and is_taught_in .
⦁ Data properties: workName.
⦁ Data properties: DepartmentName.
⦁ Object properties: hasLecturer and hasTA.
⦁ Data properties: PlaceName.
⦁ Object properties: hasThesis ,inDepartment and teach.
⦁ Data properties: LecturerName.
9 - Class (Lab_room)
10 - Class (Lecture_hall)
11 - Class (Library)
12 - Class (Student)
⦁ Data properties: GPA, level, studId and StudName.
⦁ Object properties: hasDepartment and study.
⦁ Data properties: TAName.
⦁ Object properties: inDept .
⦁ Data properties: TAName.
⦁ Define the different classes and subclasses in the system using clips.
⦁ Define the relations between classes using rules.
⦁ Define the individuals (instance) of each class.
⦁ Create functions to be able to infer on data.
⦁ Use clips rule based system to extract new knowledge.
Graphical user Interface