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ROS2 Jazzy + Gazebo Harmonic Simulation of MBARI's ROV Doc Ricketts in an Underwater World.


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Unofficial MBARI's ROV Simulation and Control Project
Underwater World Simulation | ROV | ROS2 Jazzy | Gazebo Harmonic |

I started this project because of my interest in underwater robotics and fascination with the MBARI Oceanographic Institute.


To visualize the documentation of the commands only, look at this commands sheet readme.

During this project, I want to learn how to set up an underwater world simulation with ROS2 and Gazebo.
Gazebo Classic has reached its end of life, and it is time to learn how to use Gazebo sim.
Due to some rendering and world dimension limitations of Gazebo, soon, I want to explore other robotics simulators, like NVIDIA Omniverse IsaacSim.

Final (long-term) Objective

Thanks to the huge amount of available models of ROV, Environments, and Creatures gifted by MBARI on sketchfab, I want to:

  • Create a URDF Model of MBARI's ROV Doc Ricketts
    • Model each thruster as an independent joint
    • Model and Integrate the actuated ROV's Manipulator (with all joints)
      (Even If currently Ricketts has 2 arms for advanced manipulation tasks, I will consider this only in the future)
  • Define an approximated fluid dynamic model of the ROV, for simulation
  • Learn to correctly set up Gazebo sim plugins to simulate thrusters, buoyancy, and fluid dynamics force
  • Create a custom sdf world file, with deep-sea environments from MBARI's 3D sea floor reconstruction
  • Add deep sea creatures as Gazebo Actors, to make this world even more alive.
    This is possible thanks to Photogrammetry Techniques used by MBARI.
  • Implement high and low-level ROS nodes to control and teleoperate the ROV motion (exploiting the 7 thrusters)
  • Implement high and low-level ROS nodes to control and teleoperate the ROV Arm (including Gripper operations)
  • Add light sources, cameras, and other exteroceptive/proprioceptive sensors to the Robot Model.
  • Implement control on Pan-Tilt Camera motion
  • Set up needed TFs, sensors, topics, and odometry to Enable Mapping with SLAM
  • Set up Autonomous Navigation Features
  • Implement high-level algorithms for Visual Tracking of deep water animals
    (Due to Gazebo's Limitations in rendering camera images, this may require moving to IsaacSim)
  • Implement high-level algorithms for Visual Servo Control of the ROV Robotic Arm.
  • ...


The following steps can be useful for anyone who wants to create a Robotic Simulation from the robot mesh!
Here world and robot plugins will be underwater specific, but the high-level concepts remain the same even for a ground vehicle.
This is why I'll try to describe the implementation step as clearly as possible.
Later on I will provide a concise command sheet to run the simulation and use its functionalities.

... This is a lot just for a single person, 🖐️ a big high five to anyone opening an issue for suggestions, ideas, or reviews.
Feel free to Pull Requests to contribute to this project.

This emoji " 👉 "Indicates the current step in development.

Step 0. Install and Set up ROS2 + Used ROS Packages


  • Linux Ubuntu 24.04
  • ROS2 Jazzy


Alternatively, you can build a Docker container to work with ROS2 Jazzy in your OS.
If you are using Docker, refer to this section just to know the required dependencies.

Install and Set Up ROS2 Jazzy
  • Install ROS Jazzy and source Refer to ros documentation for the step-by-step installation tutorial.

Anytime you open a new terminal, you should source your underlay ros environment with:

# Terminal
# Replace ".bash" with your shell if you're not using bash
# Possible values are: setup.bash,, setup.zsh
source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash

To avoid doing it every time, add that command to your bashrc, opening it with a text editor of your choice:

# Terminal (use your preferred text editor tool)
gedit ~/.bashrc

And add the line source /opt/ros/jazzy/setup.bash at the end.

  • If not automatically installed, install colcon, the build tool for ROS2:
# Terminal
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
  • Create and build a ros2 workspace to position this project packages:
    In your preferred directory
# Terminal
mkdir ros2_ws
cd ros2_ws
mkdir src
colcon build
  • Source your ros2 workspace and the colcon argmícomplete environment:
    As done for the ros underlay, you need to source the overlay setup.bash when you build it, again you can add that to the bashrc
# Terminal
gedit ~/.bashrc

Add the line source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
and source /usr/share/colcon_argcomplete/hook/colcon-argcomplete.bash to complete colocn commands by pressing Tab.

Install Additional Packages

To launch this project packages, you may need ROS2 packages not installed with ros-jazzy-desktop.
I will update this list during implementation:

  • xacro
  • joint_state_publisher_gui
  • ...
# Terminal
sudo apt install ros-jazzy-xacro ros-jazzy-joint-state-publisher-gui 

Clone this repository and build

Move to your ros workspace, inside /src folder (where all your packages are located)

# Terminal
git clone

then, move back to the workspace folder (before /src), and build your workspace.
Now you are ready to test this project!
(Remember that after building the workspace, you need to source your bashrc, so your overlay and underlay will be sourced, just run source ~/.bashrc)

👉 Step 1. Set up The Simulation

1.1. Create ROV Ricketts URDF from Sketchfab Model

  • First I download Doc Ricketts ROV model from Sketchfab, in fbx format.
  • Import it in Blender to create separate meshes (with texture) for each piece
  • Export each model as dae (COLLADA format)


I discovered that stl format does not support texture by default, setting it up may be possible but hard.
Here you can find stl models, but for an astonishing visualization, rely on dae.
With the COLLADA format, textures are easy to load (just be sure the texture png file is in the correct referenced path inside dae XML file).

  • Create the URDF connecting and positioning each thruster, as a revolute joint (probably continuous joint will be used later on).
    I used the xacro format, to make it cleaner and allow a simple customization at launch time.
  • Inertia property tuning will be done later on when setting up Gazebo simulation
  • Creta a simple launcher to run Rviz, robot_state_publisher, joint_state_publisher (and its GUI).
  • Add relevant visualization objects in Rviz and save as rov_monitor.rviz .

Finally, it is possible to visualize the robot in Rviz and move the thrusters with joint_state_publisher_gui:

# Terminal
ros2 launch rov_ricketts_description

The next step is to model and attach the robotic arm to Doc Ricketts.

1.2. Add ROV Manipulator to the URDF Model

The arm is defined as a single piece in the 3D model, three options are possible to derive the URDF model:

  • 1. Remodel it with simple cylinders and parallelepiped shapes, connected by revolute joints, directly in URDF.
  • 2. Create a new 3D model from scratch, with separate links, using the original arm as a reference
  • 3. Use the original model and modify it to cut the links, then use this as URDF links

I found the information about the robotic arm on this interesting video about ROV technologies at MBARI.
Thank you very much, Benjamin Erwin 🙏.
ROV Doc Ricketts is equipped with two robotic arms:

  • Shilling TITAN 4 Manipulaotr (T4): Strong Titanium arm, for heavy work but less precise.
  • Kraft TeleRobotics PREDATOR Manipulator: Aluminum Arm, very dexterous, for precise manipulation. The combination of the two ensures a trade-off between precision and power.

I only modeled the T4 manipulator, available in the 3D Model.
(In the URDF, I include the arm_tool frame, because this will help when performing manipulation tasks.)


A useful tag to define gripper joints is "mimic":

<joint name="${name}_link4_claw_left" type="revolute">
<mimic joint="${name}_link4_claw_right" multiplier="1" offset="0"/>

This forces this joint to move around its rotation axis as the mimic joint times the multiplier.
(joint_state = mimic_joint_state * multiplier)
Changing the multiplier value we can set an inverse rotation or a transformation ratio.


The default gazebo physics solver skip mimic joint constraints. This is not a real issue, the gripper commands will be handled using a ros2_control position_controllers/GripperActionController

Once Doc Ricketts Arm URDF has been defined, to load T4 arm, we can use a launch argument and the xacro conditional statement.

  • To configure Ricketts with the Robotic Arm:
# Terminal
ros2 launch rov_ricketts_description load_arm:=true
  • To configure Ricketts without the Robotic Arm:
# Terminal
ros2 launch rov_ricketts_description load_arm:=false

(Notice that the default value of load_arm is false, so argument initialization can be neglected in that case)

As can be seen, all joints have been articulated properly!
Brief Joint actuation Demo🦾:

Joint limits and dynamic joints/body properties (Inertia, Center of mass, etc..) will be defined in the next steps...

1.3. Tune Model Inertia parameters

Inertial parameters of are fundamental for setting up Gazebo simulation (see the official documentation tutorial).

  • <origin>: position of the CoM, with respect to link frame [m]
  • <mass>: link mass [kg]
  • <inertia>: 3x3 inertia tensor [kg*m^2]

For a reliable simulation in Gazebo, we have to define the mass, inertia matrix, and center of mass position of each link.
I have used trimesh, a Python library to compute mesh properties such as volume, CoM position, and inertia.

  • T4 Manipulator:
    Using Titanium density, we can then use the mesh volume to compute each link's mass and CoM position. The Inertia matrix is normalized, so I had to multiply by mass/volume to bring it to the standard unit.
  • ROV Body and Propellers:
    The propellers are assumed to be made of aluminum (commonly used underwater because of corrosion resistance).
    For the base, modeled as a unique body, a constant density hypothesis was not possible. MBARI's website provides information about its mass value. However, because of the complex mesh shape and discontinuous density distribution,trimesh computation gives an unreliable inertia value.
    For this reason, base inertia and CoM are computed using a simple box shape of uniform density.
    Furthermore, base <collision> is simplified to reduce simulation complexity, using the same box as the inertial one.

1.4. Add and Tune Buoyancy, fluid dynamic, thruster actuators, and ligths Gazebo sim plugins

1.5. Set up an underwater World in Gazebo Harmonic

# Terminal
ros2 launch rov_ricketts_sim 

To select the world sdf:

It is possible to use the "world:=" launch argument The first figure on the left comes from ocean.sdf load also the ocean surface:

# Terminal
ros2 launch rov_ricketts_sim world:=~/ros2_ws/src/ROV-Ricketts-ros2/rov_ricketts_sim/worlds/ocean.sdf 

To spawn directly the robot in the underwater canyon, load it in underwater_world.sdf world:

# Terminal
ros2 launch rov_ricketts_sim world:=~/ros2_ws/src/ROV-Ricketts-ros2/rov_ricketts_sim/worlds/underwater_world.sdf 

1.6. Move ROV Ricketts in the Gazebo World

I'm not yet a good ROV pilot! Adjustments on plugin parameters and a GUI or joypad teleoperation will be implemented to make Ricketts easy to operate.

Step 2. Create Gazebo Deep Sea World from Sketchfab Models

2.1. Import and Position desired environmental deep-sea elements

2.2. Import deep-sea creatures meshes

2.3. Define "Actor" Behaviours for animals

Step 3. Set Up Robot Teleoperation

3.1. Map Desired motion in free space to thruster commands

3.2. Implement Teleoperation Node

3.3. Map Joystick or CLI commands to correct thrusters command

Step 4. Set Up Arm Teleoperation

4.1. Rely on the Teleoperation Node to include new arm-related commands

4.2. Use Movit2 or ros2_control for Joint Control of the Arm

Step 5 and so on ...


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