This repository implements the PID (Partial Information Decomposition) for Multivariate Normal (MVN) systems measuring the redundancy using the Iccs measure developed by Ince (2017)
Right now this implementation works only for the bivariate case (two sources and one target)
For a broader implementation of the Partial Information Decomposition please see the partial-info-decomp repository
How to use it:
from gcmi import copnorm
import numpy as np
def partial_information_decomposition(X,Y):
Compute the partial information decomposition between the two sources in X and each target in Y using the Iccs redundancy measure for continuous gaussian variables.
X : np.array
The matrix containing the two sources. The sources are in rows so the shape is (n_sources, n_samples)
Y : np.array
The matrix containing the targets. Each target is treated separately and could be e.g., a different EEG channel. The targets are in rows so the shape is (n_targtes, n_samples)
# Check for right dimensionality
n_sources = X.shape[0]
if n_sources != 2:
raise ValueError('This pid version only works in the case of two sources')
# Build the empty 2D lattice
lat = pid_mvn.Lattice2D()
# Be sure that Y is a 2D array
Y = np.atleast_2d(Y)
# Copula normalization of the variables to make them gaussian
X_copnorm = gcmi.copnorm(X)
Y_copnorm = gcmi.copnorm(Y)
# Prepare the data structure
n_targets = Y.shape[0]
PIs = np.zeros((n_targets, 4)) # e.g., (n_channels, 4) (Rdn, Unq1, Unq2, Syn)
# Compute the sample covariance matrix
for tar in range(n_targets):
C = np.cov(np.vstack((X_copnorm,Y_copnorm[tar,:])))
# Compute the 4 partial information atoms
PIs[tar,:] = pid_mvn.calc_pi_mvn(lat, Cfull=C, varsizes=[1,1,1], Icap=pid_mvn.Iccs_mvn, forcenn=True).PI
return PIs
This function uses the code in this repository and the copnorm function that can be found here to compute the partial information decomposition for every channel of the Y variable.