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Releases: AlexB52/retest

Early exit runs with ctrl+c

07 Mar 03:26
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With this change, you can now exit a run early with INT signal (ctrl+c) if a run has been triggered accidentally.
We're also improving the diff logic to identify files between branches by using forward diffs in git.

Related issues:

Enable alias commands

27 Jan 21:05
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This release's main change includes the ability to run aliases of popular testing framework commands.

Some users have a custom bash commands for their testing. Using custom scripts did not allow the ability to force a selection, run all or diffed branch. You can now launch retest with retest --rspec "bin/my-custom-test-command <test>" and it will behave as if we're calling bundle exec rspec <test>.

Similarly retest --rails "bin/my-custom-test-command <test>" will behave like bin/rails test <test>. Same goes with --rake and --ruby options.

Alias command: #245, #246

We're also making some improvements in logging to inform the user about errors and launching settings.

Fixing pressing Enter on launch

04 Jan 05:00
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This version fixes the issue raised in #240

Retest will try to run the starting command if it does not include the <test> or <changed> placeholders when Enter is pressed.

Retest V2 - Interactive commands are here

18 Dec 20:43
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New major version of Retest.

The main change is a new interactive panel of commands to help your testing workflow after Retest launch. Press h to see the different options available.

  1. Interactive Panel
  2. Support watchexec as a new watcher when installed locally (faster than Lsiten)
  3. Cleanup codebase

No prod impact

11 Mar 23:16
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This release fixes on our CI pipeline and the bundler version set incorrectly in the previous release v1.13.1

Adding observer as an explicit dependency

11 Mar 23:15
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Ruby 3.4 will require the observer gem to be set as an explicit dependency in a Gemfile and will no longer be included in the language:

This release adds observer gem as an explicit Retest dependency.

Update possible test list & minor maintenance improvements

26 Feb 19:47
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In this release, apparent changes are on the list of possible options:

  1. We added a none option when no test file matches the file changed #49
  2. We added a > at the end to improve user feedback #192
  3. We require Listen version v3.9.0 as a dependency #195

The list looks like this now

We found few tests matching: app/models/valuation/holdings.rb

[0] - test/models/taxation/holdings_test.rb
[1] - test/models/schedule/holdings_test.rb
[2] - test/models/holdings_test.rb
[3] - test/models/performance/holdings_test.rb
[4] - test/lib/csv_report/holdings_test.rb
[5] - none

Which file do you want to use?
Enter the file number now:

In minor improvements with no impact

  • We remove some deprecation warnings in our test suite
  • We remove a monkey patch after guard/listen#572 has been fixed #195
  • We test a new way to read other processes output in feature test
  • We upgrade some github actions #197

Warnings, notifications and new version flag

05 Dec 20:53
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This release adds a few changes

  • When using --notify, retest is now making a sound after asking to select a file when in doubt
  • We're disabling the symlink warnings that happen on some repositories when files are already watched. Happens regularly with node_modules. These warnings have been moved to the Listen.logger dependency and available with LISTEN_GEM_DEBUGGING=warn
  • We're introducing a new option --verbose, -v` to see which version of retest we're currently using

These issues are fixed:

Improve test file selection

04 Sep 21:54
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The release improves the identification of test files with test and spec prefix or suffix.
The release also updates some dependencies suggested by Dependabot.

Main change:

  • #138 - Retest defaults to test_*.rb pattern even when *_test.rb file exists

Update name pattern for test files

01 Oct 07:19
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Since December 2021, Bundler gem now defaults to test_filename.rb instead of filename_test.rb in release 2.3.0

bundle gem generated MiniTest file and class now start with 'test' rubygems/rubygems#3893

This release addresses this change by updating what's considered a test file when matching specs.

A change in filename.rb will now consider these files as possible matches:

  • filename_test.rb
  • filename_spec.rb
  • test_filename.rb
  • spec_filename.rb (because why not)