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FindPuppy: A Game of Survival and Cuteness 🐶

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Demo video here --> google drive.

Find Puppy 🐶

FindPuppy is a 2D Android game built using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. The game takes place in a grid-based field, where the player must navigate to find a puppy while avoiding unknown dangers.

Gameplay Mechanics:

  • The player starts in the center of the field and can move in four directions (up, down, left, right).
  • The game generates a random puppy location and unknown dangers (enemies) in the field.
  • The player receives audio cues (whispers) and vibration indicating the direction of the puppy and enemies.
  • The player must use their wits to navigate the field, avoiding enemies and finding the puppy before it's too late.

Technical Features:

  • Built using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose for a Android devices.
  • Grid-based 16x16 field generation.
  • Audio cues, sound effects and vibration for an immersive experience.
  • Simple yet challenging gameplay mechanics for a fun and engaging experience.

The Samsung IT School 🎓

I'm excited to share that I've completed the Samsung IT School program, graduating on June 2023!

As part of the program, I developed a this game, which I presented to the class using this presentation.

I'm proud to say that I not only completed the program, but I also received a Graduation Diploma for my hard work and dedication (just look at this):

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It was an incredible experience, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to have learned from such institution.