I am a self-taught Frontend developer and Tutor based in Porto, Portugal.
I am currently 23 years old and working at @ITSector. Cats, plants and Anime are my main hobbies!

I primarily work with these techonologies:
However, I am knowledgable in a handful more technologies, I just dont utilize them as often as they wield no use to my interests.

During my journey coding I have built a lot of different projects, some to train learn new features or tools to improve my knowledge as a developer. My Github serves as a storage room for all the information I collected on my daily bases.
• ShinyDexTracker | A FullStack application to manage hunted shiny pokémon
• ErisBot | A Discord Bot with built-in Karuta features.
• Zustand-Todo-List | Zustand State Management frontend todo-list
• T3-Techtalk-2023 | Company Workshop Presentation about the T3Stack

I primarily communicate through Discord for simplicity and easily staying connected with friends, however, if you find this non-professional feel free to contact me via email.
Thanks for Reading 💜 happy coding.