Please refer to our How to contribute guide and our Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
In order to be able to pull all the necessary project dependencies, the alfresco Nexus repositories should be added in your local Maven configuration on your workstation.
Update your ~/.m2/settings.xml
file with the repositories, pluginRepositories and, optionally,
the servers defined in the following snippet:
<name>Alfresco Internal Repository</name>
<name>Alfresco Internal Repository</name>
The alfresco-internal
server definition is required by the Alfresco internal repository
group, and it should use your own Alfresco Nexus credentials. If only the public repository
group is used (e.g., for the Community build) this server definition can be skipped.
Optionally, you can also re-define the Maven Central repository, to increase the dependency download
speed (look up dependencies first in Maven Central, then in Alfresco Nexus). Define the
Central Repository in both the <repositories/>
and <pluginRepositories/>
sections before
the alfresco-internal repository:
<name>Central Repository</name>
For additional instructions you can check the official Maven documentation:
Clone the project (e.g.
git clone
) -
Import the project as a maven project
Start the Alfresco/Share instances with the following commands:
mvn clean install -Pstart-repo mvn clean install -Pstart-share
(these commands work best if run from the specific directories, e.g. start Share from rm-community/rm-community-share/ or rm-enterprise/rm-enterprise-share/ )
Create a file called under src/main/resources in alfresco-rm-enterprise-repo
Add the following properties in this new file -> The name of the database schema my.db.port -> The port number for your database (default port number for postgres is 5432 and for mysql it is 3306)
Run the following commands to start your Alfresco instance:
to start Alfresco (using Postgres):
mvn clean install -Pstart-repo,use-postgres
to start Alfresco (using MySQL):
mvn clean install -Pstart-repo,use-mysql
Technical documentation is available at rm-community/documentation/ and rm-enterprise/documentation/ This should be particularly useful for anyone wanting to integrate with or extend RM.
In order to execute the integration tests using Postgres run the following command:
mvn clean install -Pstart-postgres
Use start-mysql profile in order to execute the integration tests using MySQL:
mvn clean install -Pstart-mysql
Unit tests will be executed every time when building Alfresco/Share. Use -Dskip.surefire.tests
in order to run
only the integration tests.
To run the automated UI tests, change to the rm-automation directory and run:
mvn clean install -Dskip.automationtests=false
Note: due to Selenium Firefox driver changes, the highest supported Firefox version for UI tests is 43.0.4 (with Selenium 2.52.0).
It is possible to have multiple versions of Firefox installed onto your workstation (e.g. one for running the UI tests and the other, kept
up to date, for everyday browsing) but beware Firefox auto-updates. In this scenario the best approach is to create a non-default profile
(default profiles will be shared between your Firefox installations!) for which auto-updates are disabled and forcing the use of this
profile in your tests (-Dwebdriver.firefox.profile="ProfileName"
). If your Firefox 43 install isn't in your path, you can use the
option set to the full path of its "firefox-bin" executable.
MacOS X Sierra users: if you experience by order of magnitude slower performance when connected to a WiFi network (e.g. office WiFi) add your workstation to your local /etc/hosts file as described on SeleniumHQ/selenium#2824.
To use Chrome instead of Firefox:
- copy from
- put it under src/test/resource in rm-automation-ui project
- download the chrome driver from and extract it
- change the following properties in webdriver.browser (Chrome) and (path/to/chrome/driver)
- run the tests as usual
In order to refesh out of date license source headers run the following command:
mvn clean install -Dlicense.update.dryrun=false
The latest Aikau snapshot can be pulled by running the following command in rm-community:
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dalfresco.aikau.version=LATEST -U
Thereafter start the Share instance and run automation tests as described above.
To download and run RM with the Outlook Integration AMPs installed on the repo and Share use the following commands:
mvn clean install -Pstart-repo,outlook-integration
mvn clean install -Pstart-share,outlook-integration
Follow these instructions to install licence and Outlook plugin:
If you're building Enterprise RM, the base project (Community) is pulled in via a snapshot dependency configured in maven.
This dependency will either be loaded from your local .m2 cache, or from Nexus if the version in your .m2 doesn't exist or is old
('old' in maven terms is anything over 24 hours old). If maven fetches community dependencies from Nexus, then it's unlikely to contain your changes.
You want to always use the version in your local cache - this means either doing a daily build at the root project level
that pushes a new copy of the correct version into your cache, or alternatively you could run mvn with the
(or -nsu
) option, which won't try to download a newer version.
This project follows the usual Alfresco Coding Standards. If you use Eclipse or IntelliJ, there are settings inside the ide-config directory for you to import.
If you get:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project alfresco-rm-community-share: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.alfresco:alfresco-rm-community-share:amp:2.6-SNAPSHOT: Failed to collect dependencies at ->${}: Failed to read artifact descriptor for${}: Could not transfer artifact${} from/to alfresco-internal ( Not authorized , ReasonPhrase:Unauthorized. -> [Help 1]
then please re-run with
To allow automation and benchmark projects to be built within an IDE the lombok 'plugin' needs to be installed.
Execute lombok.jar (doubleclick it, or run java -jar lombok.jar
). Follow the instructions.
In (depending on the RM edition /records-management/rm-community/rm-community-repo/src/test/properties/local
or /records-management/rm-enterprise/rm-enterprise-repo/src/test/properties/local
change the value for "" from "solr4" to "solr6".
Add also the following property "solr.port=8983".
Download the latest Alfresco Search Services from;gav~~alfresco-search-services~~~ Currently it's 1.0.0 (
Unzip it and change to the "solr" folder within it. Start the Solr server using the following command:
solr start -a "-Dcreate.alfresco.defaults=alfresco,archive"
Start your repository
A first step is checking that you have installed a working version of Docker that can be downloaded from here: []
The second step, in case you already have Docker installed, the current running images must be checked in order to be sure that they are not occupying any of the ports that ACS and Share use.
To kill and clean all the images and containers the following command can be used:
docker system prune --volumes
Note that this will also remove all the stopped containers, containers, networks, volumes and build cache.
Depending on which version of AGS you want to start, Community or Enterprise, you must first build the docker images. From the root folder of the project you can create both the Repo and the Share images for Community and Enterprise. To build all the images use the following command:
mvn install -PbuildDockerImage
If only the Community or Enterprise images need to be built than the same command as above must be run either in the rm-community or rm-enterprise modules.
The Docker images of the Repo can be started independently from Share running the following command in the rm-repo-enterprise or rm-repo-community folder which contains the Docker-compose.yml file:
docker-compose up
Be aware of the fact that the Share images can not be started independently from Repo
e.g. In order to start an instance of rm-enterprise-repo and rm-enterprise-share, the above command must be run in rm-enterprise-share after the images have been built.
If you have a license for jRebel then this can be used from the rm-community-share or rm-enterprise-share directories with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f jrebel-docker-compose.yml --project-name agsdev up --build --force-recreate