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An Extention for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore to support automatically recording data changes history and some addentianal info such as ip,Os and broswer agent

also, this extension support soft-delete pattern

AutoHistoryCore will recording all the data changing history in each record

How To Install:

Run the following command in the Package Manager Console

PM> Install-Package AutoHistoryCore 

How To Use :

It is easy to use just following 3 steps :

1: drive your Model from HistoryBaseModel

public class MyModel:HistoryBaseModel
  // your property ...

2.Add Migration to affect Database Change

  Add-Migration add_changeHistoryCore

3: use SaveChageWithHistory Extention insted of SaveChages() Defualt method:


Note : drive your model from HistoryBaseModel will be extend that by add two property : hc_change as String, and Isdeleted as bool,

here the result of hc_change column as json in one record :


Notes :

  1. SaveChageWithHistory provide soft-delete pattern automatically by change IsDelete property as true when you call

    db.remove(you model inherited from HistoryBaseModel);
  2. If you want to physical-delete or doesn't enable history tracking you must call default savechange method

3.if you want to get undelited-recoreds use this following linq Extention:

db.yourModel.undelited().where(...your statement).tolist() .

Powered By:

User Agent Parser for .Net - Get User Agent Info By ( )


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