Work in progress! Endpoint naming needs refactoring from the openapi spec and rebuild this api again!
Unofficial documentation of the Frappe / ERPNext API.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 11
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen
- Based on Alyf-de's Frappe api docs unofficial api documentation.
Dart 2.0 or later
Add frappe_dart_api_client
sdk: flutter
flutter pub get
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
var api_instance = GeneralApi();
var dottedPathToMethod = frappe.auth.get_logged_user; // String | Path to the function you'd like to call, separated by dots.
try {
} catch (e) {
print("Exception when calling GeneralApi->apiMethodDottedPathToMethodGet: $e\n");
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
GeneralApi | apiMethodDottedPathToMethodGet | GET /api/method/{dotted_path_to_method} | Call a remote procedure |
GeneralApi | apiMethodDottedPathToMethodPost | POST /api/method/{dotted_path_to_method} | Post data to a remote procedure |
GeneralApi | apiResourceDocTypeDocumentNameDelete | DELETE /api/resource/{DocType}/{DocumentName} | Delete a specific document |
GeneralApi | apiResourceDocTypeDocumentNameGet | GET /api/resource/{DocType}/{DocumentName} | Get a specific document |
GeneralApi | apiResourceDocTypeDocumentNamePut | PUT /api/resource/{DocType}/{DocumentName} | Update a specific document |
GeneralApi | apiResourceDocTypeGet | GET /api/resource/{DocType} | Get a list of documents |
GeneralApi | apiResourceDocTypeGet_0 | GET /api/resource/DocType | Get a list of Doctypes |
GeneralApi | apiResourceDocTypePost | POST /api/resource/{DocType} | Create a new document |
MethodsApi | apiMethodFrappeDeskTagsAddTagPost | POST /api/method/frappe.desk.tags.add_tag | Add a tag to a document |
MethodsApi | apiMethodLogoutGet | GET /api/method/logout | Logout from current session |
MethodsApi | apiMethodVersionGet | GET /api/method/version | Get the version of the app |
MethodsApi | authGetLoggedUser | GET /api/method/frappe.auth.get_logged_user | Get the user that is logged in |
MethodsApi | login | POST /api/method/login | Authenticate yourself |
NaiveAuthenticationApi | apiMethodLogoutGet | GET /api/method/logout | Logout from current session |
NaiveAuthenticationApi | authGetLoggedUser | GET /api/method/frappe.auth.get_logged_user | Get the user that is logged in |
NaiveAuthenticationApi | login | POST /api/method/login | Authenticate yourself |
ResourcesApi | apiResourceDocTypeGet | GET /api/resource/DocType | Get a list of Doctypes |
ResourcesApi | apiResourceEmployeeGet | GET /api/resource/Employee | Get a list of Employees |
ResourcesApi | apiResourceProjectGet | GET /api/resource/Project | Get a list of projects |
ResourcesApi | apiResourceTimesheetGet | GET /api/resource/Timesheet | Get a list of timesheets |
ResourcesApi | apiResourceTimesheetPost | POST /api/resource/Timesheet | Create a new timesheet |
ResourcesApi | apiResourceWebhookGet | GET /api/resource/Webhook | Get a list of Webhooks |
ResourcesApi | apiResourceWebhookPost | POST /api/resource/Webhook | Create a new Webhook |
- ApiresourceTimesheetTimeLogs
- ApiresourceWebhookWebhookData
- ApiresourceWebhookWebhookHeaders
- Body
- Body1
- Body2
- Body3
- Body4
- Body5
- DocList
- DocListData
- DocType
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse2002
- InlineResponse202
- InlineResponse401
- InlineResponse403
- InlineResponse4031
- Message
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL: /method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.authorize
- Scopes:
- all: Same permissions as the user who created the oAuth client
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- May need to create new openapi documentation for Frappe v12 with different namming conventions and rebuild this repository.
Thanks to the unofficial open api documentation created by