ameba-rtos is the development framework for Realtek SoCs supported on Linux.
Chip | master | release/v1.0 |
AmebaSmart | ||
AmebaLite | ||
AmebaDplus |
Documentation for latest version: Click the URLs listed in README to view the documentations of the specific SoC.
Note: Each SoC series has its own documentation, please find documentation with the specified chip.
For users who can access Gitee, we recommend that import the repository into Gitee to improve download speed if you find the download speed from GitHub is too slow.
The detailed steps please refer to How to import third-party Git repositories such as GitHub.
See the ApplicationNote chapter Build Environment from above links for a detailed setup guide. This is a quick reference for common commands working with ameba-rtos projects:
- The toolchain will be intalled in
by default. If an error "Error: No Toolchain in/opt/rtk-toolchain/vsdk-10.3.1/linux/newlib
" encounters when building the project, please refer to ApplicationNote section Installing Toolchain for more details. - Linux platform is supported for now, Ubuntu version 16.04 64-bit or higher is required.
- Windows built with VScode will be supported in the future.
- Python version 3.7 or higher is required. Run
python --version
to check the version. If an error "Commandpython
not found" encounters, please refer to ApplicationNote section Preparing GCC Environment install python3. If still error appears, please runsudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
to create symbolic link from/usr/bin/python3
Note: The toolchain will be downloaded from GitHub when build project for the first time. If find the download speed from GitHub is too slow or download failed, please execute command make toolchain URL=aliyun
or make toolchain URL=github
first to get toolchain before building project. We recommend use make toolchain URL=aliyun
to download toolchain from aliyun to improve the download speed.
ameba-rtos support projects with the supported SoCs listed as above with the naming rule amebaxxx_gcc_project.
Once you've found the project you want to work with, change to its directory and you can configure and build it.
Run make menuconfig
to open a configuration menu and you can configure the project options.
- General Config: the shared kernel configurations for all cores.
- Network Config: the incompatible kernel configurations for all cores.
- Core Config: the exclusive kernel configurations for each core.
- For normal image, simply run
make all
command to build SDK. - For compiling examples, run
make all EXAMPLE=xxx
, refer to readme.txt in each example directory for more details. - For MP image, refer to Section How to Build MP Image to build SDK.
After compiling finishes, both app and bootloader images are generated.
Note: If somehow failed, type make clean
to clean and then redo the make procedure.
When the build finishes, downloading images into flash by AmebaImageTool:
See the ApplicationNote chapter Image Tool from documentation links for more details.
- Environment Requirements: EX. WinXP, Win 7 or later, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.
- Connect chip and PC with USB wire.
- Choose the Device profiles according to the chip you use.
- Select the corresponding serial port and transmission baud rate. The default baud rate is 1500000.
- Select the images to be programmed and set the start address and end address according to the flash layout, refer to [ameba_flashcfg.c/Flash_layout].
- Click the Download button and start. The progress bar will show the download progress of each image and the log window will show the operation status.
Note: For an empty chip, the bootloader and app image shall be downloaded.
The image download only erase the flash fields with images programmed. If you want erase the entire flash or specified field, you can use the Flash Erase function of AmebaImageTool.
- Choose the Device profiles according to the chip you use.
- Select the corresponding serial port and transmission baud rate. The default baud rate is 1500000.
- Set the start address and size you want to erase.
- Click the Erase button and erase operation begins. You would get the operation result from the log window.
If you have any issues or suggestions during project development, please login RealMCU and give feedback.
If you find a bug or have a feature request, please Check the Issues section on github. Please check existing Issues before opening a new one.